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Last update 13 October 2024

Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

  • Are entirely novel energy technologies and self-running systems really genuine and why does it take so long to make them tangible and commercially available ? https://novam-research.com/energy4.php

Further topics and keywords in alphabetical order

Aetherometry: https://www.aetherometry.com

Alexander Unzicker's website with critical considerations and reflections about physics: http://alexander-unzicker.com

Astronomy / Astrophysics: https://novam-research.com/astro.php

(Other) Better world projects: https://novam-research.com/better-world-projects

Borderlands of Science - Comprehensive website (in German) about entirely novel energy technologies and unconventional approaches in physics and science: http://borderlands.de

Browns Gas - A gas with unusual properties: https://novam-research.com/browns-gas.php

Buch der Synergie - A very comprehensive website from Achmed A. W. Khammas about many types of energy, propulsion, transportation, and battery technologies (in German): https://buch-der-synergie.de

Chemtrails - Is there a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program ? https://novam-research.com/chemtrails.php

Corona virus and related topics: https://novam-research.com/health.php

Creative Soceity - a global initiative / project: https://creativesociety.com

Desert Greening (in German): https://desert-greening.com

Direct structure model of matter - a concept of a new basic physics by Dr. Ralf Gleichmann: http://gleichmann.scienceontheweb.net

EarthTech International - Exploring novel ideas in physics: https://earthtech.org

ECAT - A novel energy technology: https://novam-research.com/ecat.php

ECE Theory - An unified field theory: https://novam-research.com/ece.php

Electromagnetism / Advanced electromagnetism: https://novam-research.com/em.php

Electrosmog  /  Electromagnetic pollution  /  5G  /  Harmful effects of wireless communication technologies: https://novam-research.com/electrosmog.php

Fluid mechanics and fluids with angular momentum - Google book and YouTube video "The galaxy curves" by Jean de Climont: https://books.google.fr/books?id=wb_1EAAAQBAJ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GaS11gFwdo

Gabi Müller's websites and books about vortices, physics, mathematics, biology, life, metaphysics, and spirituality (in German):

Global Scaling - A holistic approach in science: https://novam-research.com/global-scaling.php

Harmful effects of wireless communication technologies and 5G: https://novam-research.com/electrosmog.php

Heim Theory - The unified field theory of Burkhard Heim: https://novam-research.com/heim-theory.php

Information Energetics (website available in German, English, and Russian): https://www.informations-energetik.de

Institute for Venture Science: https://ivscience.org

Integrity Research Institute: https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org

 International Space Federation (ISF)

  • Swiss corporation with headquarters in Geneva and laboratories in France

  • Research and development in the field of quantum vacuum, gravity and unified physics which also includes entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies. Research director is Nassim Haramein

  • Significant paper "The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity" by Nassim Haramein, Cyprien Guermonprez, and Olivier Alirol - published on 26 September 2023 via zenodo.org: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10125315

  • The ISF did arise from a previous history comprising 30 years research, publications, and designs as well as the Resonance Science Foundation, education, and a few related smaller companies

  • Possibility to invest into the ISF / support the ISF via a participatory perpetual bond. The ISF issues in two stages maximal 200 Million notes denominated at 1 CHF per note. The minimum investment is 1000 CHF

IT (information technology) - Examples of providers, useful tools and software, and web agencies: https://novam-research.com/it

Keppe Motor / Keppe Physics - A new approach in physics and energy technology: https://novam-research.com/keppe.php

Keshe Foundation - Novel science and technologies: https://keshe.foundation

LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: https://novam-research.com/lenr.php:

Mathematics, numbers, and geometry: https://novam-research.com/math.php

Metaphysics and spirituality (and world events): https://novam-research.com/metaphysics.php

Miles Mathis and his publications about The Greatest Standing Errors in Physics and Mathematics: http://milesmathis.com

Movie "The Connected Universe": https://www.theconnecteduniversefilm.com

Movie "Thank you for calling" - About potential health risks of mobile phones (in German): http://www.ty4c.com

Movie "Overcast" - About natural, artificial, and harmful atmospheric phenomena, chemtrails, and geoengineering (YouTube channel with videos in several languages including English): https://www.youtube.com/user/OVERCASTTHEMOVIE/featured . See also https://novam-research.com/chemtrails.php

Natural Philosophy - John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society: https://naturalphilosophy.org

(So-called) Occult Chemistry - Investigations by clairvoyant magnification into the structure of atoms and subatomic particles by Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant in the period from 1895 to 1932 and later assessments, considerations, and studies of their results especially by Dr. Stephen M. Phillips, Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan, and Gabi Müller: https://novam-research.com/oc.php

OPPT (The One People's Public Trust) - Human beings are legally free: https://novam-research.com/we-are-legally-free.php

Overcast - Movie about natural, artificial, and harmful atmospheric phenomena, chemtrails, and geoengineering (YouTube channel with videos in several languages including English): https://www.youtube.com/user/OVERCASTTHEMOVIE/featured . See also https://novam-research.com/chemtrails.php

(Alleged) Pandemic & World events & We are legally free: https://novam-research.com/health.php

Peter Plichta's website about numbers, prime numbers, chemistry, science, and Platon's space mirror (in German): https://www.plichta.de/plichta

(So-called) Plasmoid-based physics and technology: https://www.strikefoundation.earth/open-source-research . For a definition of plasmoids and their properties see text below the picture in https://www.strikefoundation.earth/s/Plasmoid_Unification_Model_vertical_Gary_2022.pdf

Progress in Physics - Journal: http://www.ptep-online.com

(Beneficial) Radioactive waste neutralization (via transmutation): https://aureon.ca (Aureon Energy Ltd.) - see also SAFIRE project

Ram pumps / Self-running ram pumps: https://novam-research.com/ram-pumps.php

Reactionless electromagnetic generator from Paramahamsa Tewari: https://novam-research.com/tewari.php

(Viktor) Schauberger - Website of the Austrian Schauberger Family Trust PKS about the independent researcher Viktor Schauberger and swirled or vortex water (available in German and English): https://pks.or.at/en

(Advanced) Space propulsion concepts: https://novam-research.com/advanced-space-propulsion.php

Stephen M. Phillips's website about sacred geometries and their scientific meanings: http://www.smphillips.mysite.com

Structured Atom Model: https://structuredatom.org

Subquantum kinetics - A paper by Dr. P. A. LaViolette                                             

Subtle matter by Dr. Klaus Volkamer: https://novam-research.com/subtle-matter.php

Superconductivity - Some papers and links: https://novam-research.com/superconductivity.php

Superfluid quantum space as unified field theory - by Amrit S. Sorli: https://osf.io/x7hc2 and https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/x7hc2

Tesla Society Switzerland & EU (in German): http://www.teslasociety.ch

The Connected Universe - Movie: https://www.theconnecteduniversefilm.com

The One People's Public Trust - Human beings are legally free and sovereign: https://novam-research.com/we-are-legally-free.php

Thermodynamics - A refutation of the second main theorem of thermodynamics: An efficiency calculation for the LESA mixed steam power plant: https://www.lesa-maschinen.de/assets/Uploads/WirkungsbroschuereEN.pdf

Time - Institute for the exploration of the nature of time: http://www.chronos.msu.ru/en/home

Time - Science of Time by Velimir Abramovic: http://constantpresenttime.com

Topological Geometrodynamics - An unified field theory: http://www.tgdtheory.fi

Viktor Schauberger - Website of the Austrian Schauberger Family Trust PKS about the independent researcher Viktor Schauberger and swirled or vortex water (available in German and English): https://pks.or.at/en

Vortices and vortex physics: https://novam-research.com/vortex.php

Water - Structure, science, structured water, and swirled or vortex water: https://novam-research.com/water.php

Wood harvestet at the right time - so-called moon wood, Thoma wood, or Wood100, and wooden walls and houses by Dr. Ing. Erwin Thoma: https://www.thoma.at/moon-wood . Company and information website (in German, English, and other languages): https://www.thoma.at . German-language talk by Dr. Ing. Erwin Toma from 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQjYkg9LpEI&t=470s

World events & Alleged pandemic & We are legally free: https://novam-research.com/health.php

World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE): http://instituteforscientificexploration.org


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