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 Science-related events

Last update 16 July 2024

16 July 2024  22nd International Congress of Analytical Trilogy | ENERGETICS - The Universal Science | from 6 to 10 September 2024 in Cambuquira MG in Brazil: https://icat.ws/22-icat-eng

6 July 2024  Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration for a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 19 July 2024 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm73.SVR-Meeting190724.pdf

6 July 2024  The 2024 Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection (GSIC 2024) from 27 to 29 September 2024 in Westminster in Colorado in USA: https://www.galacticspiritualinformers.com/2024

12 June 2024  Updated program and online registration for a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics from 21 to 23 June 2024 nearby Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . View or download the scheduled program - as of 11 June 2024 - via this website (in German)https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Fellbach_21-bis-23-Juni-2024_Stand-11-Juni-2024.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

1 June 2024  Updated program and online registration for a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics from 21 to 23 June 2024 nearby Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . View or download the scheduled program - as of 1 June 2024 - via this website (in German)https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Fellbach_21-bis-23-Juni-2024_Stand-1-Juni-2024.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

19 May 2024  Updated program and online registration for a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics from 21 to 23 June 2024 nearby Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . View or download the scheduled program - as of 19 May 2024 - via this website (in German)https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Fellbach_21-bis-23-Juni-2024_Stand-19-Mai-2024.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

15 April 2024  4-hour conference or lecture on 20 April 2024 in Chamonix Mont-Blanc in France (15 km from the Swiss border) where Nassim Haramein from the ISF will share insights from the ground-breaking paper “The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity" by Nassim Haramein, Cyprien Guermonprez, and Olivier Alirol: https://spacefed.com/event/shaping-the-future-exclusive-talk-stories-with-nassim-haramein/ . The paper was published or became publicly accessible on 26 September 2023 via zenodo.org: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10125315

15 April 2024  Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration for a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 3 May 2024 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://www.svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm72.SVR-Meeting030524.pdf

29 March 2024  Scheduled program and online registration for a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics from 21 to 23 June 2024 nearby Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . View or download the scheduled program - as of 29 March 2024 - via this website (in German)https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Fellbach_21-bis-23-Juni-2024_Stand-29-Maerz-2024.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

7 March 2024 What is going on at the International Space Federation (ISF) - Live event / stream on 7 March 2024 at 7pm (19:00) CET via the ISF YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P9xl-RXkaM

7 March 2024 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration for a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 15 March 2024 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm71.SVR-Meeting150324.pdf

21 January 2024 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration for a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 2 February 2024 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm70.SVR-Meeting2224neu.pdf

20 November 2023 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration for a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 1 December 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm69.SVR-Meeting11223neu.pdf

29 October 2023 German-language talk "Raumtemperatur-Supraleiter als Vision und Forschungsprojekt" (Room temperature superconductors as vision and research project) by the author of this website on 4 November 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland. 

  • Location: Glockenhof Zurich, Saal London, Sihlstrasse 33, 8001 Zurich
  • Time: From 10:00 to about 16:00, lunch break from 12:30 to 14:00
  • Registration required
  • e-mail address for registration: k.vitzthum(at)vitzthum-consulting-group.ch
  • Organizer: Swiss Study Group for Free Energy SAFE
  • Costs of participation: 50 CHF and free for SAFE members

The German-language talk will be performed by using mainly the following English-language slide sets: https://novam-research.com/resources/Research_Project_Room_Temperature_Superconductors.pdf and https://novam-research.com/resources/Chem-elements-and-number-3.pdf

10 October 2023 Updated program and online registration of a German-language conference on 14 October 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland about novel energy technologies such as power amplifying and self-running generators from the US company Holcomb Energy Systems and kinetic power plants from the company Rosch Innovations (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . English-language lectures will be translated into German. The scheduled program as of 10 October 2023 is also available via this website (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Tagungsprogramm-Zuerich-14-Okt-2023_Stand-10-Oct-2023.pdf . For potential later updates see (in German) https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . Information about the Holcomb Energy Systems and the kinetic power plants from the company Rosch Innovations are presented on the home page of this website.

27 September 2023 Scheduled program and online registration of a German-language conference about novel energy technologies such as power amplifying and self-running generators from the US company Holcomb Energy Systems on 14 October 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . English-language lectures will be translated into German. The scheduled program as of 27 September 2023 is also available via this website (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Tagungsprogramm-Zuerich-14-Okt-2023_Stand-27-Sep-2023.pdf . For potential later updates see (in German) https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . Information about the Holcomb Energy Systems are presented on the home page of this website.

26 August 2023 Information and e-mail address for registration for a German-language talk about the so-called Hilpert Turbine on 9 September 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://www.safeswiss.ch/sites/default/files/Einladung%20SAFE%20Vortrag%20230909%20Thomas%20Hilpert_0.pdf

6 August 2023 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 18 August 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm68.SVR-Meeting180823.pdf

6 August 2023 Scheduled program and online registration of a German-language information and demonstration event about power amplifying and self-running generators - especially those from the US company Holcomb Energy Systems - on 14 October 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . English-language lectures will be translated into German. The scheduled program as of 4 August 2023 is also available via this website (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Holcomb-Energy-Systems_Info-Event-am-14-Okt-2023-in-Zuerich-mit-Demo_Stand-4-Aug-2023.pdf . For later updates see (in German) https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . Information about the Holcomb Energy Systems are presented on the home page of this website.

26 June 2023 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 30 June 2023 in Schaffhausen in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm67.SVR-Meeting300623neu.pdf

11 June 2023  Updated program of a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics on 17 and 18 June 2023 in Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Stuttgart-2023_Stand-vom-11-Juni-2023.pdf . For later updates and online registration see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German). The talk by Prof. Timothy Vaughan (computer electronics, Modesto / California., USA) and Ellen Sue & Dr. Robert Holcomb (Co-CEO & CEO of Holcomb Scientific Research, Sarasota, Florida / USA) about power-magnifying and self-running electromagnetic generators without moving parts will be given in English and translated into German. Ellen Sue & Dr. Robert Holcomb will join via Zoom and will also present a demonstration from their lab in USA. Information about the Holcomb Energy Systems are presented on the home page of this website.

11 June 2023  Workshop / Convention from the US company Renaissance Charge LLC about entirely novel energy technologies on 5 and 6 August 2023 in Olten in Switzerland: https://www.r-charge.net/Switzerland-Free-Energy-Convention-Aug-5-6-2023-_p_375.html

11 May 2023  Planned program and online registration of a German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics on 17 and 18 June 2023 in Stuttgart in Germany (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . View or download the planned program via this website - as of 10 May 2023 (in German)https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-Kongress-Stuttgart-17-und-18-Juni-2023_Stand-10-Mai-2023.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . The talk by Prof. Timothy Vaughan (computer electronics, Modesto / California., USA) and Ellen Sue & Dr. Robert Holcomb (Co-CEO & CEO of Holcomb Scientific Research, Sarasota, Florida / USA) about power-magnifying and self-running electromagnetic generators without moving parts will be given in English and translated into German. Information about that technology is presented on the home page of this website.

27 April 2023 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 28 April 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm66.SVR-Meeting280423.pdf

7 April 2023 An updated program and online registration of a planned German-language congress about novel energy technologies and related topics on 17 and 18 June 2023 in Stuttgart in Germany is provided via https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German). See that link also for later updates.

14 March 2023 Originally scheduled for 17 March 2022 and meanwhile postponed to 31 March 2023: Scheduled program including e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 31 March 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm65.SVR-Meeting310323.pdf

11 March 2023 Information about a German-language talk about torsion fields on 1 April 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland and e-mail address for registration (in German): https://www.safeswiss.ch/sites/default/files/Einladung%20SAFE%20Vortrag%20230401%20Bernd%20Frank.pdf

11 March 2023 German-language lectures by Marcus Reid from Quantum Power Munich about novel energy technologies (open and asymmetric systems etc.) and related topics during the summer semester of "Die Akademie der Denker" on 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2023 and 5 July 2023 in Germany (in German): https://die-akademie-der-denker.de . Download the corresponding part of the schedule of lectures of the summer semester 2023 from this website (schedule as png type picture copied from die-akademie-der-denker.de , converted into pdf, and uploaded to novam-research.com on 10 March 2023): https://novam-research.com/resources/Vorlesungsverzeichnis_SoSe2023_Ringvorlesungen_Stand-20230210-1030x532.pdf . Comments: (1) The readability of the pdf appears poor, however when you zoom in it becomes readable. (2) See also pages 10 and 11, Table 3 on page 33, and Table 5 on page 35 in the Master Thesis "An innovation analysis for novel renewable energy technologies" by Erik Raymond Hammer (2022): https://novam-research.com/resources/An-Innovation-Analysis-Of-Novel-Renewable-Energy-Technologies_2022.pdf

28 January 2023 Scheduled program of an intended German-language congress about novel energy technologies on 17 and 18 June 2023 in Stuttgart in Germany (as from 27 January 2023) (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Kongress-Stuttgart_17-und-18-Jun-2023_v27Jan2023.pdf . For later updates and online registration (in German) see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

28 January 2023 Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 10 February 2023 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm64.SVR-Meeting100222.pdf . Among others, there is a report, pictures, and videos from the magnet motor presentation event on 17 and 18 December 2022 in Turkey (see below entry from 9 December 2022).

9 December 2022 Presentation event with various working permanent magnet motor driven generators in Balcova at Izmir in Turkey on 17 and 18 December 2022: For further information and registration see the website of the Turkish Yildiz Magnet Motor company HMSB Inc.: https://hmsbturk.com

8 October 2022  German-language online congress from 1 to 10 October 2022 about science and spirituality: https://drchristinehanson.com

2 October 2022  Content overview of a German-language talk about oscillations and vortices and e-mail address for registration on 5 October 2022 in Olten in Switzerland (in German): https://www.safeswiss.ch/sites/default/files/Einladung%20zum%20SAFE%20Stamm%20221005%20Klaus%20Vitzthum.pdf  and https://www.safeswiss.ch/events/safe-stamm-olten-klaus-vitzthum-alles-wirblt-alles-ist-schwingung

2 October 2022  Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration of a German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 14 October 2022 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German): https://www.svrswiss.org/pdfs_aso/Programm62.SVR-Meetimg141022.pdf

17 August 2022  A German-language newsletter from 17 August 2022 from the friends of the Swiss constitution announces a rally in Schwyz in Switzerland on 29 August 2022 for a complete reprocessing of the Corona measures (in German): https://mailchi.mp/verfassungsfreunde.ch/covid-gesetz-nein-aufarbeitung-ja?e=1f57ba6cb3

16 August 2022 German-language talk about alchemy in Zurich in Switzerland on 10 September 2022 - Information about the talk, the speaker, and registration (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Vortag-ueber-Alchemie-in-Zuerich-am-10-Sept-2022.pdf

24 July 2022 International Conference on Cold-Fusion (ICCF24) - Solid State Energy Summit - from 25 to 28 July 2022 virtual or in Mountain View in California: https://www.iccf24.org and https://e-catworld.com/2022/07/12/iccf24-solid-state-energy-summit-to-be-held-july-25-28-in-california

24 July 2022 Intended German-language congress about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics on 10 and 11 September 2022 in Graz in Austria. For further information and scheduled conference program see (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

19 July 2022 International Conference on Schauberger Technology from 4 - 6 August 2022 at PKS in Bad Ischl in Austria: https://pks.or.at/en/p/event/icost-2022-2

26 May 2022 German-language talk by Dr. Philipp Zeller about weather manipulation and geo-engineering on 18 June 2022 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German) - Information and e-mail address for registration (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Info-zum-SAFE-Vortrag-am-18-Juni-2022.pdf

26 May 2022  German-language meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy (SVR) about novel energy technologies on 3 June 2022 in Zurich in Switzerland (in German) - Scheduled program and e-mail address for registration: https://novam-research.com/resources/Programm-SVR-Meeting-am-3-Juni-2022.pdf

21 May 2022  Intended German-language congresses about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics: 18 and 19 June 2022 in Stuttgart in Germany and 10 and 11 September 2022 in Graz in Austria. For further information and scheduled conference program see (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . Conference program for Stuttgart dated from 21 May 2022: https://novam-research.com/resources/Kongress-Stuttgart_18-und-19-Juni_2022_Stand-Programm-vom-21-Mai-2022.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

12 April 2022 Intended German-language congresses about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics: 14 May 2022 in Schaffhausen in Switzerland and 18 and 19 June 2022 in Stuttgart in Germany. For further information and scheduled conference program see (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse . Conference program for Schaffhausen from 12 April 2022: https://novam-research.com/resources/Tagung-Schaffhausen-am-14-Mai-2022_Stand-12-Apri-l2022.pdf . For later updates see https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

15 February 2022 Corona-related events in Switzerland published in the website of the friends of the Swiss constitution: https://verfassungsfreunde.ch/de/aktionen

16 January 2022 Online event Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022 from 18 to 22 January 2022: https://unlab.us/advanced-propulsion-and-energy-2022 . Conference schedule and Zoom links: https://unlabus.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/ape-2022-agenda-final.pdf . Information about the speakers and their talks on 22 January 2022 from the Society for Scientific Exploration: https://mailchi.mp/scientificexploration/advanced-energy-concepts-challenging-the-second-law-of-thermodynamics-15731726

9 January 2022 German-language Zoom event (talk and discussion) on 15 January 2022 about the so-called neutrino voltaics and double-layered graphen with Dr. Thorsten Ludwig from the German Association for Space Energy (DVR). For further details (in German) see and click on entry "DVR Online Treffen" from 29.12.2021 in https://dvr-raumenergie.de/aktuelles/news

15 August 2021 German-language talk by CEO Holger T. Schubart from the company Neutrino Energy on 11 September 2021 in Zurich in Switzerland about electricity generation via the so-called neutrino energy: https://novam-research.com/resources/Vortrag_Holger-T-Schubart_Neutrino-Energy_Zurich_11-Sept-2021.pdf

15 August 2021 Scheduled German-language conferences about novel energy technologies and related topics on 13 and 14 November 2021 in Stuttgart in Germany and in May 2022 in Graz in Austria and: For further information and scheduled conference program select a conference in the following webpage (in German): https://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse/auswahl.php

30 September 2020 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics

Congress "Die grosse Transformation - Neue Strukturen und Technologien" / "The Great Transformation - New Structures and Technologies" from 2 to 4 October 2020 in Stuttgart in Germany. Updated German-language conference program from 30 September 2020: https://novam-research.com/resources/Kongress-Stuttgart_2-4-Okt-2020_v30Sept2020.pdf

12 August 2020 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

12th Conference on Future Energy on 14 and 15 August 2020 in Beltsville (Maryland) in United States, hosted by the Integrety Research Institute: https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/cofe.html and https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/COFE12Program.pdf

4 May 2020 Advanced physics - Conference "Physics Beyond Relativity"

Website of the conference "Physics Beyond Relativity" which took place from 18 to 21 October 2019 in Prague in the Czech Repubilc - available are videos and slide sets: https://science21.cz/conference 

Examples of lectures:

Slide set from Jan Rak's talk about relativity and Lorentz contraction, Newtonian and relational mechanics, double-arm pendulum, Maxwell equations, quaterions, and generalized Maxwell equations with a scalar field (57 MB pdf): https://science21.cz/conference/slides/1802_RakJan_PBR19.pdf

Slide set of the lecture from Andre Koch Torres Assis about Weber's electrodynamics (PowerPoint pptx): https://science21.cz/conference/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/1803_Assis_Weber-Electrodynamics-without-animation-18-10-2019.pptx . Homepage of Andre Koch Torres Assis: https://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~assis

Slide set of the talk from Huping Hu about nonlocal gravitational effects, nature of gravity, spin and consciousness, quantum entanglement, and biological experiments: (PowerPoint ppt): https://science21.cz/conference/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/1905_Hu_HupingHu_PBR_Conf.ppt

26 January 2020 Humanities, natural sciences, physics, and scientism

New German-language book "Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaften - Eine Kritik des Szientismus" (Humanistic fundamentals of natural sciences - A criticism of scientism), author Winfried D'Avis, ISBN 978-3-7799-5296-1, published in 2019 by the publishing group Beltz (Germany): https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/soziologie/produkte/produkt_produktdetails/39709-geisteswissenschaftliche_grundlagen_der_naturwissenschaften.html

About this book (in German):

Der Autor ist ausgegangen von methodologisch akzentuierten Arbeiten von Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein und v. Weizsäcker. Deren zentrale und von der Lehrbuchphysik abweichende Überlegungen zum logischen Status von physikalischen Theorien (z.B. bei der Explikation des "Elektrons" als "mathematischer Punkt", Einsteins "Inertialsystem" etc.) hat der Autor weiter gedacht mit dem folgenden Resultat: Die bisher oft versuchte, aber nicht gelungene Einheit von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften kann nur auf der Grundlage einer allgemeinen Theorie des Geistes gelingen. Für diesen Ansatz liefern die o.g. Physiker viel Diskussions- und Reflektions-Material.

10 January 2020  5G  /  Biological effects of wireless communication technologies 

Global 5G protest day on 25 January 2020: https://stop5ginternational.org/5g-protest-day . For further information, initiatives, and updates concerning biological effects of wireless communication technologies and 5G click here

22 and 19 September 2019 Electrosmog / Electromagnetic pollution / 5G

Stop 5G demonstration on 21 September 2019 in Bern in Switzerland (in German): https://schutz-vor-strahlung.ch/news/medienmitteilung-5g-demo-auf-dem-bundesplatz-in-bern . Further information about this event (in German and French): https://www.frequencia.ch/project-details/kundgebung-nr-2-in-bern

4 September 2019 Electrosmog / Electromagnetic pollution / 5G

German-language talk "Wie schädlich ist Mobilfunkstrahlung" on 12 September 2019 in Lucerne / Luzern in Switzerland about wireless communication technologies and experimentally observed effects of mobile phone radiation on blood and water (in German): https://www.naturalscience.org/de/veranstaltungen/2019-09-12-wie-schaedlich-ist-mobilfunkstrahlung . Click here to download an abstract of this event as pdf.

4 September 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

Global Energy Breakthrough Conference 2019 on 9 and 10 November 2019 in Breukelen in The Netherlands (it is also possible to follow the conference via live streaming): https://globalbem.com/globalbem2019

11 August 2019 Shri Yantra symposium and exhibition

German-language event in Switzerland on 17 and 18 August 2019 at the mathematics atelier of Dr. Elisabeth Welz

27 July 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

Basics of Magnetic Propulsion - A compilation by Adolf Schneider: http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Basics_of_Magnetic_Propulsion.pdf or https://novam-research.com/resources/Basics-of-Magnetic-Propulsion_July-2019.pdf Content:  Introduction to differerent concepts of autonomous magnetic propulsion with energy delivered from the vacuum field.  1. Flywheel storage of magnetic energy (Dennis Danzik, IEC).  2. Theory and Practice of Halbach Arrays which is the basic concept in Dennis Danzik's Magnetic Propulsion technology.  3. Harnessing Mechanical Energy From Strong Electromagnetic Forces Generated by the Spin of Electrons according to the concept of Kenneth C. Kozeka.  4. Energy Conversion via Magnetic Monopoles.  5. Regauging a Magnetic Scalar Potential.  6. Permanent Magnet Spiral Motor for Magnetic Gradient Energy Utilization

9 June 2019 Physics - What is an electron ?

Recently a paper "The electron and the holographic mass solution" was published by A. Val Baker, N. Haramein, and O. Alirol in Physics Essays 32 (2019) 255 - 262 .

Related open-access article "What is an electron ?" from 30 May 2019 by Amira Val Baker from the Resonance Science Foundation: https://resonancescience.org/what-is-an-electron

2 June 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language congress "Technologien der neuen Zeit" about novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies and related topics in Stuttgart in Germany from 21 to 23 June 2019. The planned conference program - update from 2 June 2019 - is available here (in German). Please visit www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German) to view the latest or updated conference program

7 April 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language prescientific work (48 pages) about space energy technologies by Sigrid Walch, a schoolgirl from the "Adalbert Stifter Gymnasium" in Linz in Austria: http://oevr.at/docs/FreieEnergie-EineUnbekannteQuelle.pdf

16 February 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

ECAT - a LENR-based energy technology without harmful and radioactive byproducts (LENR = Low Energy Nuclear Reactions)

It provides very large amounts of (heat) energy from very small amounts of nickel and hydrogen

Visit the official ECAT website https://ecat.com as well as e-catworld.com

According to https://ecat.com the so-called ECAT SK heating technology is commercially available - presently in United States, Sweden, and Japan - since its introduction by a worldwide broadcast on 31 January 2019. The ECAT SK device comprises a heat exchanger for fluids and generates 22 kW heating power by using only small amounts of hydrogen (provided by a solid hydride material) and nickel powder and an electric input power of only 380 W. The dimensions of the ECAT SK are about 40 x 45 x 95 cm. The size of the internal reactor core - in which the low energy nuclear reactions between hydrogen and nickel take place - is quite small, namely 11 mm long and 3 mm in diameter. The filling of an ECAT SK unit with small amounts of nickel powder and a solid hydride material lasts at least for one year. The ECAT SK can be leased by a customer who pays for the generated heat which can be provided also in form of vapor with a temperature up to 550 °C. The ECAT SK is controlled from a remote location via an ethernet connection. The estimated lifespan of an ECAT SK unit is about 20 years. Potential customers may send their request to info(at)LeonardoCorp1996.com . If more than 22 kW heating power is needed, then it is possible to construct a thermal power station which consists of several ECAT SK units. Acknowledgement: Thanks to Adolf and Inge Schneider who presented ECAT news during a meeting of the Swiss Association for Space Energy on 8 February 2019.

26 January 2019 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language congress "Technologien der neuen Zeit" about novel energy technologies and related topics in Stuttgart-Fellbach in Germany from 21 to 23 June 2019. The planned conference program from 26 January 2019 is available here (in German). Please visit www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German) to view the latest or updated conference program

14 October 2018 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language report about the German-language congress "Bahnbrechende Energietechnologien" about novel energy technologies and related topics in Königstein nearby Frankfurt in Germany on 29 and 30 September 2018: http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET1118S10-23.pdf . To be published in the November / December 2018 issue of the NET Journal (ISSN 1420-9292) (in German).

23 September 2018 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language congress "Bahnbrechende Energietechnologien" about novel energy technologies and related topics in Königstein nearby Frankfurt in Germany on 29 and 30 September 2018. The planned conference program from 19 September 2018 is available here (in German). Please visit www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German) to view the latest or updated conference program

28 July 2018 Novel and environmentally friendly energy and propulsion technologies

A patent WO2015040077A1 for a LENR-based energy and propulsion technology was granted to Airbus (LENR = Low Energy Nuclear Reactions): https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2015040077A1/en?oq=WO+2015%2f040077 . German-language report about that: http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0518S15-17.pdf

7 June 2018 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

German-language congress "Bahnbrechende Energietechnologien" about novel energy technologies and related topics in Königstein nearby Frankfurt in Germany on 29 and 30 September 2018. The planned conference program from 25 May 2018 is available here (in German). Please visit www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse (in German) to view the latest or updated conference program

27 September 2017 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

Congress about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics in Graz in Austria from 29 September to 1 October 2017. The planned conference program from 27 September 2017 is available here in English and in German . Conference language is German and English with simultaneous translation. Among others, it is intended to demonstrate a self-running and zero emission 7 kW generator from the company Innova Tehno.

2 April 2017 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies Congress about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics in Graz in Austria from 29 September to 1 October 2017. The intended conference schedule and further information is available in English and in German . Conference language is German and English with simultaneous translation. Among others, it is intended to demonstrate a self-running and zero emission 7 kW generator from the company Innova Tehno and a self-running and zero emission 3 kW generator from the company Magmov  

22 January 2017 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies Slide set of a talk from Adolf Schneider on 3 November 2016 at the World Clean Energy Conference (WCEC) at the United Nations City Geneva in Switzerland (35 slides or pages, file size about 2 MB pdf): http://novam-research.com/resources/Novel-energy-technologies_Talk-by-Adolf-Schneider-at-WCEC-on-3-Nov-2016_Slide-set.pdf . Abstract, references, and about the author (7 pages): http://novam-research.com/resources/Novel-energy-technologies_Talk-by-Adolf-Schneider-at-WCEC-on-3-Nov-2016_Abstract_References_About-the-author.pdf

Website of the World Clean Energy Conference (WCEC) which took place from 1 to 4 November 2016 at the United Nations City Geneva in Switzerland: www.wcec.uno . On 3 November 2016 there were also two talks about entirely novel energy technologies, namely "Novel Energy Technologies" of Adolf Schneider and "LENR Progress and Cooperation Plans" of Dr. Francesco Celani which were announced in the Agenda of the WCEC 2016 (downloaded on 23 September 2016 from the above-mentioned WCEC 2016 website, file size 4 MB pdf): www.novam-research.com/resources/WCEC-2016_Draft-of-Agenda_v23-Sept-2016.pdf

30 December 2016 Superconductivity – Discovery of superconductivity in the semimetal bismuth (Bi) at extremely low temperatures challenges theory because of its very low charge carrier density. Report from 2 December 2016 in phys.org: http://phys.org/news/2016-12-discovery-bismuth-superconductivity-extremely-temperature.html. Paper by Om Prakash et al. in Science (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf8227 . Thanks to Dr. Felix Scholkmann for communicating the above-mentioned report and link

30 December 2016  Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Guest blog article from 7 December 2016 by Steven B. Krivit and Michael J. Ravnitzky in Scientific American: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/its-not-cold-fusion-but-its-something . Three books by Steven B. Krivit: Hacking the Atom - Explorations in Nuclear Research (Volume 1): https://www.amazon.com/dp/0996886451 . Fusion Fiasco - Explorations in Nuclear Research (Volume 2): https://www.amazon.com/dp/0976054523 . Lost History - Explorations in Nuclear Research (Volume 3): https://www.amazon.com/dp/0996886419

6 November 2016 Space energy / vacuum energy / ether energy and entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies Press release about the movie Out of the Void: http://novam-research.com/resources/PRESS-RELEASE_Movie_Out-of-the-Void.pdf . The movie Out of the Void has been released and can be purchased for viewing or download via https://vimeo.com/ondemand/outofthevoid

24 September 2016 World Clean Energy Conference (WCEC) from 1 to 4 November 2016 at the United Nations City Geneva in Switzerland: www.wcec.uno . On 3 November 2016 there are also two talks about entirely novel energy technologies, namely "Novel Energy Technologies" of Adolf Schneider and "LENR Progress and Cooperation Plans" of Dr. Francesco Celani which are announced in the Agenda of the WCEC 2016 (downloaded on 23 September 2016 from the above-mentioned WCEC 2016 website, file size 4 MB pdf): www.novam-research.com/resources/WCEC-2016_Draft-of-Agenda_v23-Sept-2016.pdf 

15 September 2016 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies German-language conference about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics on 29 and 30 October in Vienna in Austria. For further information see website of the Austrian Association for Space Energy (in German): www.oevr.at

6 August 2016 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies Conference about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics on 10 and 11 September 2016 in Bavaria in Germany (in German): www.novam-research.com/resources/Conference_10-and-11-Sept-2016_v6Aug2016.pdf

31 January 2016 Extracting electricity from quantum vacuum fluctuations    Paper "Electrical current from quantum vacuum fluctuations in nanoengines" by L. Henriet et al. published in Physical Review B 92 (2015) 125306 and http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.02073 . Thanks to Adolf Schneider for the communication of this paper

17 January 2016 Entirely novel (energy) technologies  German-language conference about Keshe technologies nearby Stuttgart in Germany on 2 April 2016 (in German): http://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse

1 January 2016 Physical properties of the vacuum Paper "Direct sampling of electric-field vacuum fluctuations" by C. Riek et al. published in Science 350 (2015) 420 - 423: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6259/420.full.pdf?keytype=ref&siteid=sci&ijkey=92yUplxVzuUjI . Further information and a free reprint link are provided in the list of publications of the Chair for Ultrafast Phenomena and Photonics of the Department of Physics of the University of Konstanz in Germany, see paper by C. Riek et al. in 2015: http://cms.uni-konstanz.de/en/physik/leitenstorfer/publications

5 December 2015 Entirely novel (energy) technologies  German-language conference about Keshe technologies in Zurich in Switzerland on 16 January 2016 (in German): http://www.jupiter-verlag.ch/kongresse
3 July 2015 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies Information meeting in Zurich in Switzerland on 4 July 2015 (in German): http://novam-research.com/resources/Meeting_Zurich_4-July-2015.pdf
17 May 2015 Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies German-language congress about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics on 30 and 31 May 2015 in Stuttgart in Germany (in German): www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0315S25-30.pdf
22 February 2015 Entirely novel energy technologies German-language congress about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics on 30 and 31 May 2015 nearby Stuttgart in Germany (in German): www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0115S19-23.pdf
19 February 2015 Heisenberg`s uncertainty principle The following papers cast doubt on this principle: (1) "Heisenberg, uncertainty, and the scanning tunneling microscope", Werner A. Hofer, Frontiers in Physics 7 (2012) 218 - 222: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11467-012-0246-z . A paper about this work is also available via arxiv.org: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1105.3914.pdf . (2) "Violation of Heisenberg`s Measurement-Disturbance Relationship by Weak Measurements", Lee A. Rozema et al., Physical Review Letters 109 (2012) 189902: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.100404 . Information about this work are also available via the following link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120907125154.htm
1 February 2015 Novel, extended, and holistic approaches / perspectives / concepts in physics and biophysics Vitali Conference about applied physics from 10 to 17 March 2015 in Las Vegas (USA): http://vitality.vision/conference 
24 January 2015 Novel energy technology  Website of the German company Besabe Technologies which has developed a novel wind power energy converter that utilizes an air current from 0,5 m / s and converts its resulting pressure difference into electricity: www.besabe.de

10 January 2015 Conventional but very innovative technology  The Austrian company JOHAMMER has developed and produces in series production an electric motorbike with 200 km range. More information and pictures are available in the website of the company JOHAMMER (in German): www.johammer.com

10 January 2015 Entirely novel energy technologies  The Swiss newspaper "Aargauer Zeitung" reports in December 2014 about a novel energy technology (in German): www.aargauerzeitung.ch/aargau/zurzach/energie-revolution-dieser-zurzibieter-erzeugt-aus-warmem-wasser-energie-128632204 . The Swiss eye doctor Nikolaus Vida has developed a fast thermal and magnetic switch. By using cool and warm water with a temperature difference of 20 °C the magnetic state of a magnetic material can be via its Curie point switched on and off within 4 milliseconds. This is 1000 times faster than the switching time of established switches and allows the construction of an effective rotating magnetic device whose torque can generate electricity. The development of pilot plants takes place in cooperation with the Swiss University of Applied Sciences "Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz" (project manager Daniel Wymann). The present pilot plant shows a speed of rotation of 200 rpm and generates an electric power of 3 kW. The next pilot plant shall generate 50 kW. 

16 November 2014 Entirely novel energy technologies  German-language information event about novel energy technologies on 6 December 2014 in Zurich / Switzerland (in German): http://novam-research.com/resources/Meeting_Zuerich_6-Dezember-2014.pdf

28 September 2014 Congress about entirely novel energy technologies in Bregenz / Austria on 18 and 19 October 2014 (in German):                                           www.novam-research.com/resources/Kongress-Bregenz-2014.pdf

16 July 2014 Article from The Resonance Project Foundation about the proton radius and emerging new physics: http://resonance.is/the-proton-radius-prediction-and-gravitational-control 

3 June 2014 Congress about entirely novel energy technologies nearby Munich Germany on 28 and 29 June 2014 (in German):            http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Kongress2014V5.pdf . Information in English: http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Kongress2014V5e.pdf

22 April 2014 Video from The Resonance Project Foundation / Nassim Haramein about the importance and power of spin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJOBnoqk_0Q . The basic idea is that the space-time or vacuum itself comprises a spin / torque / angular momentum. Probably this feature plays an important role for entirely novel energy technologies which extract usable energy from space-time or vacuum. Also the so-called ECE-Theory implies something similar (it is called torsion of space-time) and predicts the possibility of extracting usable energy from space-time.  

22 April 2014 Entirely novel energy technologies  Petition in Germany to provide government funds for the exploration of the so-called space energy or vacuum energy with respect to the development of entirely novel and environmentally   friendly energy technologies (in German): https://secure.avaaz.org/de/petition/Staatliche_Fordermittel_fur_die_Erforschung_von_Raumenergie

11 April 2014 Congress about entirely novel energy technologies nearby Munich Germany on 28 and 29 June 2014 (in German):     http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0314BS25-30.pdf

11 April 2014 Talk in Bern / Switzerland about entirely novel energy technologies on 9 May 2014 (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Cine12.pdf

31 December 2013 Quantum gravity – New paper by Nassim Haramein from The Resonance Project published in Physical Review & Research International 3 (2013) 270-292: http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=224&id=4&aid=1298#.UsMhYdJDuQ5

29 December 2013 Superconductivity – The organic compound picene, a semiconducting hydrocarbon, becomes superconducting at 18 K when it is doped with potassium: http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/kouhou/ebulletin/feature/vol5/feature_001.htmlMany thanks to Adolf Schneider for the communication of this news.  

29 November 2013 An interesting website about quantum vacuum engeneering: http://www.qveng.com/index.html

3 August 2013 Physics  Coupled particles cross energy wall via so-called Klein Tunneling: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130529092204.htm . Many thanks to Adolf Schneider for the communication of this topic. 

3 July 2013 Information event about entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies on 6 July 2013 in Stuttgart / Germany (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Tagungs2013-I.pdf

3 August 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies  The Breakthrough Energy Movement announces their 2013 conference on 10 - 12 Octtober 2013 at the University of Colorado Boulder (USA):  http://globalbem.com

29 July 2013 Website about Browns Gas which shows many extraordinary properties and has a large potential for applications (in German and English): http://www.browns-gas-technology.de

29 July 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies – Website and book "Quantenäther" (in German): www.quantenäther.de  

25 June 2013 Paper "Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass" by N. Haramein published in Physical Review & Research International 3 (4), 270 - 292, 2013: http://resonance.is/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/1367405491-Haramein342013PRRI3363.pdf

26 May 2013 Novel energy technology ECAT – A report about an investigation of  ECAT reactors by an independent team of experts indicates that the generated energy is much higher than what may be gained from any conventional energy technology which is based on chemical processes like combustion. Abstract of the report: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3913v1 . Complete report: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.3913v1

3 May 2013 Physics and zero point energy – Recent research results concerning the motion of ring-like pyrrole molecules on a metal surface indicate that the zero point energy can become significant on the molecular level: http://phys.org/news/2013-04-movement-pyrrole-molecules-defy-classical.html#jCpMany thanks to Adolf Schneider for the communication of this issue. 

24 April 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies – Talk (in German) on 27 April 2013 in Zurich / Switzerland by H. W. Gabriel about nuclear energy without radioactive waste by using lithium instead of uranium. More information in the following links (in German): http://www.safeswiss.ch/sites/default/files/Einladung%20Kernenergie%0ohne%20Radioaktivit%C3%A4tl.pdf and http://www.safeswiss.ch/events/kernenergie-ohne-radioaktivit-t-vortrag-hw-gabriel and http://www.safeswiss.ch/sites/default/files/Lichtfokus_39_Freie_Energie.pdf  

2 April 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies – Congress "Technologien zur Energiewende" on 11 and 12 May 2013 in Königstein / Germany (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0313S28-33.pdf

1 April 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies – Information document from Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. Dr. J. Gruber (in German): http://www.novam-research.com/resources/Neue-Hoffnung-2012.pdf

7 January 2013 Entirely novel energy technologies – Brief interview / video with Prof. Dr. C. W. Turtur about space energy and space energy technologies (in German): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdLlDuTrEIw

9 December 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – Talk by Prof. Dr. C. W. Turtur about space / vacuum / zero point energy technologies on 24 November 2012 (in German): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e-w56VaO9A

18 July 2012 New high frequency amplifier for research and development from the company Digitum-Elektronik: One-sided flyer: http://www.novam-research.com/resources/HF-Amplifier-a_Engl.pdf . Two-sided flyer: http://www.novam-research.com/resources/HF-Amplifier-b_Engl.pdf . One-sided flyer in German: http://www.novam-research.com/resources/HF-Amplifier-a.pdf . Two-sided-flyer in German: http://www.novam-research.com/resources/HF-Amplifier-b.pdf

29 November 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – Information event about autonomous energy technologies on 1 and 2 Dezember 2012 in Frankfurt / Germany (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/Links/MeetingFrankfurt0112012fGmbHdefG.pdf

12 October 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – Two public talks by Prof. Dr. Claus Turtur about space / vacuum / zero point energy technology on 27 October 2012 in Hamburg / Germany and 17 November 2012 in Oberhausen / Germany (in German): http://www.hh-violette.de/vortrag-uber-freie-energie/ and http://nrw.die-violetten.de/vortrage-freie-energie-17-nov-2012/ . Information about these talks (in German): http://www.hh-violette.de/freiheit-in-der-energieforschung/ 

29 September 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – The present situation of the ECAT technology - A summary from the worldwide first ECAT congress which took place on 8 and 9 September 2012 in Zurich / Switzerland: http://www.novam-research.com/resources/ECAT_The-Present-Situation_Sept-2012.pdf

25 September 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – Conference of the Breakthrough Energy Movement from 9 - 11 November 2012 in Hilversum / The Netherlands: General information: http://globalbem.com/conference/ . Program: http://globalbem.com/conference/program/ . Promo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV_QeuDCvOE

16 September 2012 Entirely novel technologies in the area of energy, propulsion, space, materials, health and environment – Keshe Foundation Promo Intro Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrN99RELqwo&feature=player_embedded

11 August 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – Conference about the ECAT technology on 8 and 9 September 2012 in Zurich / Switzerland: http://www.borderlands.de/infos.events.php3 (in German). pdf in German: http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Kongress080912M.pdf . pdf in English: http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Kongress080912M-e.pdf . ECAT reactors generate a large amount of heat energy when very small amounts of hydrogen and nickel are combined. ECAT reactors are based on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), also called cold fusion, whereby the detailed processes are not yet completely known. ECAT reactors do not involve radioactive materials, do not produce radioactive waste and do not generate harmful radiations. 1 MW power plants can already be ordered. The commercial availability of 10 kW home units, which can also be added to exísting heating systems, is scheduled for 2013. Only 1 percent of the annual world nickel production is sufficient to provide the energy needs of mankind. Official ECAT website: http://ecat.com/

5 August 2012 Entirely novel energy technologies – 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion from 12 - 17 August 2012 in Daejeon / Korea: http://www.iccf17.org/ . Many thanks to Felix Scholkmann for the communication of this conference.

31 July 2012 Biophysics – Interdisciplinary and international conference on the Fields of the Cell in Basel / Switzerland on 6 and 7 October 2012: http://www.fieldsofthecell2012.com/ . Many thanks to Felix Scholkmann for the communication of this conference.

18 July 2012 19th Annual Conference of the Natural Philosophy Alliance and Tesla Tech 2012 from 25 28 July 2012 in Albuquerque / New Mexico / USA: http://www.worldnpa.org/site/2012/07/npa-19-and-tesla-tech-2012/


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