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Electromagnetism / Advanced electromagnetism

Last update 17 February 2025

17 February 2025 Book "What is the electron ?" - a collection of several papers and articles - edited by Volodimir Simulik and first published in 2005: http://library.uc.edu.kh/userfiles/pdf/42.What%20is%20the%20electron.pdf

29 June 2022 Some papers and books from the electrical engineer Gabriel Kron (1901 born in Hungary and 1968 died in United States):

  • Non-Riemannian Dynamics of Rotating Electrical Machinery, published 1934 in the journal Studies in Applied Mathematics, volume 13, issue 1 - 4, pages 103 - 194, https://doi.org/10.1002/sapm1934131103 . For this paper Gabriel Kron received in 1935 the Motefiore Prize from the University of Liege in Belgium

The background and bigger picture of Gabriel Kron's work is presented in a German-language article by Dr. Marco Bischof from the German Association for Space Energy (DVR) on pages 5 - 22 in the June 2022 issue of the German-language journal DVR-Info (ISSN 1860-4595)

16 October 2021 Something is wrong in the state of quantum electrodynamics (QED), paper by Oliver Consa published in October 2021 in arxiv.org: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02078

4 May 2020 Video from Jan Rak's talk at the conference Physics Beyond Relativity in October 2019 in Prague about relativity and Lorentz contraction, Newtonian and relational mechanics, double-arm pendulum, Maxwell equations, quaterions, and generalized Maxwell equations with a scalar field: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2133&v=5RzN4UjB0bQ&feature=emb_logo . Note that this video is named "Relativity in the Large Hadron Collider Era (part 2)" but nevertheless the topics are electrodynamics, Maxwell equations, quaterions, and generalized Maxwell equations with a scalar field.

12 August 2024 

Generalization of classical electrodynamics to admit a scalar field and longitudinal waves

K. J. van Vlaenderen and A. Waser

Hadronic Journal 24 (2001) 609 - 628

Paper is available via ResearchGate: 


Abstract: The theory of electrodynamics can be cast into biquaternion form. Usually Maxwells’ equations are invariant with respect to a gauge transformation of the potentials and one can choose freely a gauge condition. For instance, the Lorentz gauge condition yields the potential Lorenz inhomogeneous wave equations. It is possible to introduce a scalar field in the Maxwell equations such that the generalized Maxwell theory, expressed in terms of the potentials, automatically satisfy the Lorentz inhomogeneous wave equations, without any gauge condition. This theory of electrodynamics is no longer gauge invariant with respect to a transformation of the potentials: it is electrodynamics with broken gauge symmetry. The appearance of the extra scalar field terms can be described as a conditional current regauge that does not violate the conservation of charge, and it has several consequences: the prediction of a longitudinal electroscalar wave (LES wave) in vacuum; superluminal wave solutions, and possibly classical theory about photon tunneling; a generalized Lorentz force expression that contains an extra scalar term; generalized energy and momentum theorems, with an extra power flow term associated with LES waves. A charge density wave that only induces a scalar field is possible in this theory.

12 August 2024

About the original equations of electrodynamics from James Clerk Maxwell:

A Treatise of Electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell from 1891, Dover reprint from 1954, Vol. 1 of 2 (file size and type 24 MB pdf): https://novam-research.com/resources/A-Treatise-on-Electricity-and-Magnetism_1_J-C-Maxwell_1891_Dover-Reprint_1954.pdf

A Treatise of Electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell from 1891, Dover reprint from 1954, Vol. 2 of 2 (file size and type 22 MB pdf): https://novam-research.com/resources/A-Treatise-on-Electricity-and-Magnetism_2_J-C-Maxwell_1891_Dover-Reprint_1954.pdf

On the Notation of Field Equations of Electrodynamics by Andre Waser from 2000: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265285036_On_the_Notation_of_Field_Equations_of_Electrodynamics . This paper presents the original Maxwell equations and the today`s modified equations which are likewise called Maxwell equations

What are Scalar Waves ? Paper by Dr. Horst Eckardt (2012): https://www.novam-research.com/resources/What-are-Scalar-Waves_Horst-Eckardt_Jan-2012.pdf

13 March 2016  Andre Waser`s Electrodynamics and Physics pages: http://andre-waser.ch/Physics.htm

12 August 2024  It seems that the website andre-waser.ch no longer exists

Toward a more complete electrodynamic theory, L. M. Hilvely and G. C. Giakos, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 5 (2012) 3 - 10: https://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJSISE.2012.046745 . Some keywords: Maxwell equations, gauge conditions, charge-fluctuation-driven scalar waves with energy but without momentum, longitudinal electric waves, and experimental suggestions. 

20 February 2015  German-language article about an extended theory of electromagnetism by D. Schadach (in German): https://novam-research.com/resources/Extended-Theory-of-Electromagnetism_D-Schadach.pdf

ECE Theory / Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS): https://aias.us

12 August 2024 

A study of the electro- and magnetostatic equations of the ECE Theory

Frank Lichtenberg

82 pages, 1 MB pdf, version 10 from 22 January 2012


31 August 2020 Paper about a discussion of the calculation of magnetic fields of permanent magnets and arrangements of permanent magnets which lead to a         self-running motion:

Essay on Magnetic-Wind Mills - Part 1: Analysis and Design , J. L. Duarte (2019): https://doi.org/10.6100/94FC4756-AC0A-4A9C-A1DD-58530E694BB8

Another two papers "Introducing the Yildiz Motor" and "Modeling the Yildiz Motor" from 2010 and 2012 by Dr. J. L. Duarte from the Department of Electrical Engineeering of the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands about the self-running magnet motor of the Turkish inventor Muammer Yildiz: https://novam-research.com/resources/Introducing-and-modeling-the-Yildiz-Motor_v01.pdf

Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorenz Condition: Extracting Energy from the Vacuum, P. K. Anastasovski et al., published in Physica Scripta 61 (2000) 513 - 517: https://doi.org/10.1238/Physica.Regular.061a00513 . Also available in the AIAS website via http://www.aias.us/documents/mwe/omniaOpera/omnia-opera-563.pdf 

21 February 2015 Introducing the Practice of Asymmetrical Regauging to
Increase the Coefficient of Performance of Electromechanical Systems, M. Walters et al. (2005): https://novam-research.com/resources/M-Walters-et-al_Asymmetrical-Regauging-to-increase-COP-21343253.pdf

10 July 2014  Simulation of a Parametric Oscillator Circuit

Paper by F. D. Amador and H. Eckardt (2012): http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/LCR-Resonant.pdf    

Paper (part 2) by H. Eckardt and B. Folz (2013): http://www.aias.us/documents/otherPapers/LCR-Resonant-2f.pdf

13 July 2014 Increased voltage phenomenon in a resonance circuit with unconventional magnetic configuration. Paper by Osamu Ide published in the Journal of Applied Physics 77 (1995) 6015 - 6020: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.359520 . Also available via http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/Research/jap77.pdf

13 July 2014 Possibility of a non-linear electromotive force. Paper by Osamu Ide: http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Non-Linear-EM-Force.pdf 

12 August 2024 

NSE Institute - New Science of Electricity: https://www.scalar-field.com

Website of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Weyl: http://www.meyl.eu

Homepage of Prof. Andre Koch Torres Assis: https://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~assis

5 May 2020 Video of the lecture from Andre Koch Torres Assis at the conference Physics Beyond Relativity in October 2019 in Prague about Weber's electrodynamics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=kmyWHuN3E4E&feature=emb_logo

3 October 2016  Background for Pursuing Scalar Electromagnetics - Paper by Tom. E. Bearden from 1992: https://www.novam-research.com/resources/Background-For-Pursuing-Scalar-Electromagnetics_Tom-E-Bearden_1992.pdf . Thanks to Harald Kautz-Vella for providing this paper from Tom E. Bearden. This paper from Tom E. Bearden is also available on the internet, e.g. via the following link: www.newphysics.se/archives/old-archive/free-energy/Bearden/BACKGROUND%20FOR%20PURSUING%20SCALAR%20ELECTROMAGNETICS%20Feb%2092.txt

12 August 2024 The following paper presents an extension of the classical Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism which includes particles with intrinsic spin and intrinsic elementary dipoles. Then magnetic forces can indeed do work. Entirely novel energy technologies such as self-running magnet motors are not mentioned.

Can Magnetic Forces Do Work ?

Jacob A. Barandes

Version 2 from 28 July 2023


View or download pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.08890

15 October 2024 Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic Systems and Electromagnetic Radiation (Second Edition) (ebook), Dhiraj Sinha and Gehan A J Amaratunga, 104 pages (pdf), published in September 2022 (online ISBN 978-0-7503-5132-4 and print ISBN 978-0-7503-5130-0): https://iopscience.iop.org/book/mono/978-0-7503-5132-4 . Thanks to Jim Andrakin for communicating this ebook.