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Keppe Motor / Keppe Physics

A new approach in physics and energy technology

Last update 9 February 2023

Sketch of principle

Image source not known

Keppe Motor / Keppe Physics website: https://www.keppemotor.com 

The so-called Keppe Motor is a novel and highly efficient electric motor which is driven by a pulsed DC current. It displays the unusual feature that its operation is not accompanied by the production of heat. The Keppe Motor has received several awards, is integrated in some commercially available fans, and is also available as kit.

Information about the Keppe Motor / Keppe Physics are also presented in the following document: https://novam-research.com/resources/information-document.pdf

Video with English subtitle about electric motors and electrotechnical experiments with a Keppe Motor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfcLxTssO0E

Keppe Motor YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1YZKXKfCfNDWnnIJj1zwYA

Books and booklets which can be downloaded free of charge from this website:

The New Physics derived from the Disinverted Metaphysics, Dr. Noberto R. Keppe, ISBN 85-7072-050-5, First Englisch Edition 2005, 156 pdf pages, file size and type 1 MB pdf: https://novam-research.com/resources/information/The-New-Physics_Noberto-R-Keppe.pdf

The ABCs of the New Physics, Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Souza Pacheco and collaborators, ISBN 978-85-7072-065-8, year of publication 2008, 256 pdf pages, file size and type 4 MB pdf: https://novam-research.com/resources/The-ABC-of-the-New-Physics_CBS-LV.pdf

New Physics in practice, Dr. Noberto R. Keppe, year of publication 2016, 65 pdf pages, file size and type 1 MB pdf: https://novam-research.com/resources/New-Physics-in-practice_Roberto-R-Keppe.pdf

Acknowledgement: The author of this website thanks Vera Souza from keppemotor.com for providing the above-mentioned books and booklets.

The following are some interesting notes from a presentation given by the co-inventors C. Soos and R. Frascari at the Congress "Autonome Energiesysteme" in Schloss Hofen / Austria on 4 September 2010:

About the concepts or new physics of Dr. Noberto R. Keppe:

Matter is created by a resonance of space energy. In Keppe's terminology the space energy is called essential energy. The essential energy is constituted of two components, attraction and repulsion. Atoms are considered as vortices.

If electricity is generated by moving or rotating magnets or by electrochemical batteries, then this corresponds only to one component of the essential energy. This is the cause of the low efficiency and heat losses (entropy) in conventional electric systems.

From the perspective of the essential energy the common AC current does not represent a real alternating current. Both AC and DC correspond only to one direction or component of the essential energy. The "real" AC current is found in a pulsed DC current which comprises two components of the essential energy, namely action and complementation (instead of action and reaction). The Keppe Motor taps the essential energy by a pulsed DC current.

The essential energy represents an organizing energy which forms and keeps the universe on all levels. Therefore the Keppe Motor can result in beneficial effects on the health of (human) beings.

Two further interesting statements:

The essential energy permits the creation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves which are also called scalar waves.  

The concept of "internal vibration" of the essential energy complements the concept of frequency.