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Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

Companies with various technologies and concepts

Last update 4 July 2024

Aureon Energy Ltd.: https://aureon.ca - see also SAFIRE project

Brilliant Light Power: https://brilliantlightpower.com

EBM Gamma Manager Kft.: https://www.gammamanager.com                             

  • After December 2017 the website was no longer available and in January 2024 it was noticed it is online again but it is not known since when

ECAT:  For a report and websites see https://novam-research.com/ecat.php

E-CAT Deutschland GmbH (in German): https://www.e-cat-deutschland.de

EMITECH - SETECH: https://novam-research.com/emitech-setech.php

ENG8 International Limited: https://eng8.energy

Gravity 42: http://www.synergy-growth.co.uk/r-d

Hilpert Turbine (in German): https://www.hilpert-turbine.de

Holcomb Energy Systems: For a report and their website see the home page of this website, i.e. https://novam-research.com

Inductance Energy (Quantum Energy) Corporation / Earth Engine:  For a report and their website see the home page of this website, i.e. https://novam-research.com

 International Space Federation (ISF)

  • Swiss corporation with headquarters in Geneva and laboratories in France

  • Research and development in the field of quantum vacuum, gravity and unified physics which also includes entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies. Research director is Nassim Haramein

  • Significant paper "The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity" by Nassim Haramein, Cyprien Guermonprez, and Olivier Alirol - published on 26 September 2023 via zenodo.org: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10125315

  • The ISF did arise from a previous history comprising 30 years research, publications, and designs as well as the Resonance Science Foundation, education, and a few related smaller companies

  • Possibility to invest into the ISF / support the ISF via a participatory perpetual bond. The ISF issues in two stages maximal 200 Million notes denominated at 1 CHF per note. The minimum investment is 1000 CHF

Keppe Motor / Keppe Physics:  For a report and their website see https://novam-research.com/keppe.php

LENR Cars: http://lenr-cars.com

LENR Cities: http://lenr-cities.com

LESA Maschinen GmbH (in German): https://www.lesa-maschinen.de

Neutrino Inc.:  For a report and their website see https://novam-research.com/neutrino-inc.php

Noca Clean Energy: http://www.nce.energy

Quantum Power Munich GmbH: https://quantumpowermunich.de                    

  • Under EDUCATION several videos are provided. The main research and development topic of Quantum Power Munich, the so-called Ferroelectric Crystal Oscillator (FCO), is presented in the video "Part 2 - Asymmetric Electric Systems" from video time 39:40
  • German-language lectures by Marcus Reid from Quantum Power Munich about novel energy technologies (open and asymmetric systems etc.) and related topics during the summer semester of "Die Akademie der Denker" on 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2023 and 5 July 2023 in Germany (in German): https://die-akademie-der-denker.de . Download the corresponding part of the schedule of lectures of the summer semester 2023 from this website (schedule as png type picture copied from die-akademie-der-denker.de , converted into pdf, and uploaded to novam-research.com on 10 March 2023): https://novam-research.com/resources/Vorlesungsverzeichnis_SoSe2023_Ringvorlesungen_Stand-20230210-1030x532.pdf . The readability of the pdf appears poor, however when you zoom in it becomes readable.

Rosch Innovations:  For a report and their website see https://novam-research.com/rosch-gaia-kinetic-power-plant.php

SEG Magnetics Inc.: https://segmagnetics.com

SEMP Research Institute Co. Ltd.: https://www.semp.or.kr/en 

  • A German-language report about their self-running solid state generator which is called AISEG is published on pages 9 - 12 in the May / June 2024 issue in the German-language NET Journal (ISSN 1420-9292) (in German)
  • On 23 June 2024 seven staff members from the SEMP Research Institute Co. Ltd. presented a talk about their self-running solid state generator at a conference about novel energy technologies and related topics in Fellbach nearby Stuttgart in Germany. One of the seven staff members did speak English and the others only Korean and there was an translation from Korean into English and also from English into German. The German-language conference program can be downloaded here and the presentation from the seven staff members from the SEMP Research Institute Co. Ltd. was on 23 June 2024 that event which is in the program called "Surprise project"

Strike Foundation Guarantee Limited and the so-called plasmoid-based physics and technology: https://www.strikefoundation.earth/open-source-research . For a definition of plasmoids and their properties see text below the picture in https://www.strikefoundation.earth/s/Plasmoid_Unification_Model_vertical_Gary_2022.pdf

Torus Tech: https://www.torustech.com

TransAltec AG (in German): https://www.transaltec.ch

Previous companies whose websites are no longer available

Bullenergie GmbH / Bulltechnik Forschungszemtrum (in German): https://bulltechnik.de   Website no longer available since about 2022 / 2023

Infinity SAV: https://infinitysav.com                                                                            Website no longer available since about 2022 / 2023

Innova Tehno: http://innovatehno.eu                                                                            Website no longer available since about 10 January 2018

Magmov: www.magmov.co                                                                                       Website no longer available

Marwan Chemie: www.marwan-chemie.de                                                                    Website no longer available

Platinum Invests Group: http://platinum-invests.eu/palladium-green-energy/?lang=en Website no longer available

Vortex Oscillation Technology Ltd. / High Oscillating Technologies UG: http://www.vortexosc.com   Website no longer available since about 2022 / 2023