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Entirely novel and environmentally friendly energy technologies

So-called neutrino voltaic / cells / technology -  Self-running and zero emission electrical DC generators without moving parts from the company Neutrino 

Creation date 7 November 2021

Last update 15 July 2024

The foundation of the so-called neutrino voltaic is a special physical phenomenon which was / is observed by several researchers and inventors such as Skenderbeg Klaiqi [1] , namely that a proper metal foil with an appropriate coating generates a small and permanent DC voltage and power. An example which can be manually prepared is the layered arrangement

Appropriate metal foil  |  Special silicone tape  |  Fine graphite powder

Its manual manufacturing is shown in a video without sound in a German-language webpage from the Austrian soceity GAIA about the so-called neutrino voltaic: https://gaia-energy.org/neutrino-energy-neutrinovoltaik-waver-manuell-vs-industriell . There it is the left video under "Videos zur Veranschaulichung".

Comprehensive website of the company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH: https://neutrino-energy.com

Sketch of principle of the so-called neutrino voltaic / cell / technology from the author of this website

In case of appropriate materials and conditions a DC voltage U emerges between (1) and (5) and usable electrical energy and power can be extracted permanently and everywhere, i.e. this system represents a self-running and zero emission generator of DC electricity. The thickness of the layers (3) as well as (2) and (4) are in the nanometer range, for example 20 nm for (3) and 5 nm for (2) and (4). A sheet of the so-called neutrino voltaic material comprises usually more than one double layer (3) plus (4), for example 12 x [(3) plus (4)] between (2) and (5). The manufacturing of a sheet of the so-called neutrino voltaic material is performed by depositing under vacuum or in a plasma layer by layer onto the substrate (1). A so-called neutrino voltaic cell comprises several sheets of the so-called neutrino voltaic material which are stacked on top of each other under a high mechanical pressure.

Picture of a sheet of the so-called neutrino voltaic material

Image source: Screenshot on 14 July 2024 from the German-language AI-based webpage https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Welche-Rolle-spielt-yBaTRhENT1m0okn7n3LdFg which provides answers to many questions about the so-called neutrino voltaic

There is an associated and published patent application, namely WO2016142056A1, see e.g. https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2016142056A1/en . In the website neutrino-energy.com , i.e. on the webpages https://neutrino-energy.com/#won and https://neutrino-energy.com/patent-wo2016142056a1 , this patent application is still incorrectly labeled as patent (as of 11 July 2024). A patent application is of course not the same as a granted patent.

In 2021 the feasible power density of a sheet of the so-called neutrino voltaic material was specified as 50 W per square meter and several of them can be stacked on top of each other [3]. According to Ref. [4a] an area 20 cm x 30 cm of the so-called neutrino voltaic material generates a DC voltage up to 1,5 V and a DC current up to 2 A. If we consider the corresponding maximum DC power (1,5 V) x (2 A) = 3 W , then we obtain likewise 50 W per square meter.

Meanwhile there are new information concerning the question how / why the above-sketched layer arrangement generates a DC voltage between (1) and (5). They were published on 30 May 2024 in German: https://neutrino-energy.com --> NEWSROOMS --> German News --> "30 May (2024): WELCHE ROLLE SPIELT DOTIERTES SILIZIUM IN DER NEUTRINOVOLTAIK ?" (What role does doped silicon play in the neutrino voltaic ?) leads to a

German-language AI-based webpage about the so-called neutrino voltaic which provides answers to many questions: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Welche-Rolle-spielt-yBaTRhENT1m0okn7n3LdFg 

This specific link or webpage of the German-language AI-based website presents in German answers (text and pictures) to the following three questions:

  • What role does doped silicon play in the neutrino voltaic ?
  • How exactly is doped silicon used in neutrino voltaic cells ?
  • What role does the oblique scattering of neutrinos and graphene play in the neutrino voltaic ?

After the answer of the third question another examples of German-language questions are presented and clicking on one of them leads to the corresponding German-language answer etc. A German-language question can also be simply entered into the "Ask follow-up" window.

In the website https://neutrino-energy.com of the company Neutrino and related sources of information the neutrinos, their properties, and their (potential) role for the so-called neutrino voltaic is strongly highlighted. That appears overemphasized because it is just a hypothesis that the generated energy originates from the neutrinos or from an interaction with them. Meanwhile the phrase "... neutrinos and other forms of radiation ..." is often used.

The author of this website assumes that neutrinos and other forms of radiation are not or only marginally involved when considering the question from where the generated energy comes from. Instead the author of this website assumes that the above-sketched layer arrangement extracts usable energy from a hitherto untapped and everywhere available form and source of energy which is called space energy, space-time energy, vacuum energy, or ether energy. This form and source of energy is presented in https://novam-research.com/resources/information-document.pdf .

The company Neutrino and their partners are working on the development of a self-running and zero emission propulsion for electric cars and self-running and zero emission electrical generators which can power a home for example. Here some of the intended specifications of such an electrical generator, called Neutrino Power Cube, which were communicated in 2021 [3]:

  • Dimensions 65 x 85 x 120 cm
  • Usable electric output power up to 5 kW in form of an adjustable DC voltage or 230 V AC or 380 V AC via an integrated DC / AC converter
  • Internally generated electric power up to 7 kW because up to 2 kW is used to stabilize the temperature of the system (the usable electric power generated by the so-called neutrino voltaic decreases with increasing temperature)
  • Estimated price about 15000 EUR

Picture of a so-called Neutrino Power Cube, a self-running and zero emission generator with an output power of 5 kW

Image source: Screenshot on 14 July 2024 from the German-language AI-based webpage https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Welche-Rolle-spielt-yBaTRhENT1m0okn7n3LdFg which provides answers to many questions about the so-called neutrino voltaic

Two videos about the so-called neutrino voltaic and the Neutrino Power Cube:

It is intended to perform in Austria a field test of the Neutrino Power Cubes. The Austrian soceity GAIA provides German-language information about it: https://gaia-energy.org/neutrinovoltaik-feldtest .

References and further information:

[1]  German-language report on pages 4 - 6 in the March / April 2023 issue of the NET-Journal (ISSN 1420-9292) (in German)

[2]  Website of the company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH: https://neutrino-energy.com

[3]  On 11 September 2021 Holger Thorsten Schubart and Rainer Beyer from the company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH in Berlin in Germany presented a German-language talk in Zurich in Switzerland about the so-called neutrino voltaic / cells / technology. This event was organized by the Swiss Study Group for Free Energy SAFE (Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Freie Energie). A report about this presentation is published on pages 4 - 11 in the November / December 2021 issue of the German-language journal NET-Journal (ISSN 1420-9292)

[4]  German-language AI-based webpage which provides answers to many questions about the so-called neutrino voltaic: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Welche-Rolle-spielt-yBaTRhENT1m0okn7n3LdFg . This specific link or webpage of the AI-based website presents three specific questions and their corresponding answers. Also another German-language questions are presented and clicking on one of them leads to the corresponding German-language answer etc. A German-language question can also be simply entered into the "Ask follow-up" window.

[4a]  The answer of [4] with respect to the Germam-language question "Wie wird die Energieeffizienz von Neutrinovoltaikzellen gemessen" comprises among others the following information: 

  • An area 20 cm x 30 cm of the neutrino voltaic material generates a DC voltage up to 1,5 V and a DC current up to 2 A
  • A so-called Neutrino Power Cube, a self-running and zero emission electricity generator, with an output power of 5 kW contains 1500 square meter of the neutrino voltaic material

[5]  On 18 June 2023 Roberto Reuter, Holger Thorsten Schubart, Dr. Thorsten Ludwig, and Andreas Manthey presented a German-language talk about the so-called neutrino voltaic and updates from the company Neutrino. Their talk was given during a German-language congress about novel energy technologies and related topics in Stuttgart in Germany on 17 and 18 June 2023. A German-language report about their talk is published on pages 31 and 32 in the July / August 2023 issue of the NET-Journal (ISSN 1420-9292). The pages 31 and 32 are part of a German-language report about the overall congress which is available via the following link (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0723S9-33.pdf

[6]  On 23 June 2024 Holger Thorsten Schubart from the company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH in Berlin in Germany presented a German-language talk about the so-called neutrino voltaic and updates from the company Neutrino. His presentation took place at a German-language conference about novel energy technologies and related topics nearby Stuttgart in Germany. The German-language conference program can be downloaded here .

[7]  German-language information of the so-called neutrino voltaic by the Austrian soceity GAIA: https://gaia-energy.org/neutrinovoltaik

[8]  Another way to generate energy via a graphene-based device is presented by Prof. Paul Thibado from the University of Arkansas and it is called "Charging Capacitors using Graphene Fluctuations" (published in January 2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=cFO32QWJe1c . Related short video (published in November 2017): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrleMqm3HiU