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World events & Alleged pandemic & We are legally free (OPPT)

World events & Alleged pandemic

Examples of independent non-mainstream information

Last update 27 March 2024

27 March 2024 Website and film Food for Profit (available in English and Italian): https://www.foodforprofit.com/en

13 February 2024 The Vladimir Putin interview by Tucker Carlson, published on 9 February 2024. It is available in Tucker Carlson's Twitter channel and labeled as "Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview". The video is also available on other channels, for example on rumble.com via the following link: https://rumble.com/v4caome-tucker-carlson-on-x-episode-73-the-vladimir-putin-interview.html . Full transcript of this interview: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/putin-carlson-interview-full-transcript . Tucker Carson on Twitter "Why I am interviewing Vladimir Putin", published on 6 February 2024: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1754939251257475555 . For a related post on Twitter, namely "The Two Putins", click here

26 December 2023  German-language speech by Prof. Dr. em. Sucharit Bhakdi in November 2023 at the second Corona symposium of the AfD fraction in the German Federal Parliament (in German): https://odysee.com/@CDL:9/Rede-von-Prof-Sucharit-Bhakdi-Bundestag-November-2023:d

26 December 2023  Creative Soceity - a global initiative / project: https://creativesociety.com

4 January 2023  Anon Audio File 32 - Update on current world events: https://rumble.com/v237f8a-eur-war-expansion-underground-ops-ongoing-spiritual-awakening-for-mankind-h.html

4 January 2023  The Twitter Files Have Confirmed (Again) That Conspiracy Theorists Are NOT Crazy: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/twitter-files

4 January 2023  Petition US Police Officers and Soldiers Should Remember Their Oath: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/oath

14 December 2022  X22 Report Ep. 2947 from 13 December 2022 - Child Traffickers Exposed, The Information War Has Moved To The Next Phase: https://x22report.com/child-traffickers-exposed-the-information-war-has-moved-to-the-next-phase-extreme-panic-ep-2947

14 December 2022  Anon Audio File 30 - Update on current world events: https://rumble.com/v209huq-french-government-background-ops-nesara-is-real-military-alliance-on-the-mo.html

14 December 2022 SGAnon Sits Down with Lisa at “Questioning the Narrative” | Audio Call: https://rumble.com/v1zmuhe-sganon-sits-down-w-lisa-at-questioning-the-narrative-audio-call.html

9 December 2022  Website of the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) (available in English and German): https://icic.law

9 December 2022  Anon Audio File 29 - Update on current world events: https://rumble.com/v1yp1po-angela-taken-down-again-turkey-running-pre-op-sorties-brazil-military-track.html

9 December 2022  News websites USAWatchdog and X22 Report: https://usawatchdog.com and https://x22report.com

13 November 2022  SGAnon Interview published on 10 November 2022: https://rumble.com/v1tfcto-sganon-interview.html . Topics / Keywords:

  • SG’s Background
  • Midterm Analysis
  • False Flag Event Scenarios
  • Inauguration 2020 & Plan Fluidity
  • Nuclear Weapon Existence
  • Thoughts On A Trump Arrest
  • Infiltration In The Truther Movement
  • Elon Musk Commentary
  • Inflation Vs Devaluation
  • Manipulating The Fiat System
  • Repatriated Wealth Recovered From DUMBs
  • The QFS In Depth
  • Digital Currency Forecast
  • MK ULTRA Efficacy
  • Reversing Fear Based Programming

13 November 2022  German-language report "Zahlen der Impfschaeden und Impf-Toten explodieren – Aber es wird vertuscht, dass sich die Balken biegen" about the increasing numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths (in German): https://fassadenkratzer.wordpress.com/2022/11/08/zahlen-der-impfschaden-und-impf-toten-explodieren-aber-es-wird-vertuscht-dass-sich-die-balken-biegen

13 November 2022  New Yorkers freaking out over sudden appearance of ominous, three-story-tall 5G towers all across the city: https://newstarget.com/2022-11-08-new-yorkers-concerned-sudden-appearance-5g-towers.html

5 November 2022  When We Succeed This Story Will Be Known To The Whole World: https://rumble.com/v1qyeqs-when-we-succeed-this-story-will-be-known-to-the-whole-world.html

5 November 2022  Webpage about Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi with interviews and links in reverse chronological order: https://totalityofevidence.com/prof-sucharit-bhakdi

5 November 2022  Website Totality of Evidence which provides the research links to significant events and information leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: https://totalityofevidence.com

1 November 2022  Swiss and German-language website Transition News (in German): https://transition-news.org . Updates "Die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht" (the truth comes out) from end of October 2022 (in German): https://transition-news.org/die-wahrheit-kommt-ans-licht

1 November 2022  NY Judge Strikes Down NYC Vax Mandate, Slams Mayor; Orders Worker Reinstatement With Back-Pay: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/null-and-void-ny-judge-strikes-down-vaccine-mandate-city-workers-slams-nyc-mayor

2 October 2022  X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

2 October 2022  German-language website of a free forest school in Zurich in Switzerland which started in August 2022 with 6 kids and a few teachers as private primary school and non-profit association (in German): https://www.freie-waldschule.ch

2 October 2022  Infinite Intelligence Report - Episode No. 13 - The New Narrative to come: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WVkSEJgmjc

2 October 2022  400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/10/400-doctors-and-professionals-declare-international-medical-crisis-due-to-covid-vaccine-injuries-and-deaths

2 October 2022  Movie "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)" about Covid and the vaccines by Oracle Films: https://rumble.com/v1lwbgs-safe-and-effective-a-second-opinion-2022-oracle-films-news-uncut.html

2 October 2022  Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID: https://www.globalresearch.ca/vaccine-narrative-collapses-as-harvard-study-shows-jab-more-dangerous-than-covid/5793668

21 August 2022  Letters Have Been Sent to Education and Health Officials in All 50 (US) States about EMF / RF Radiation Exposure Risks to Kids: https://www.activistpost.com/2022/08/notified-letters-have-been-sent-to-education-and-health-officials-in-all-50-states-about-emf-rf-radiation-exposure-risks-to-kids.html

17 August 2022  German-language newsletter from 17 August 2022 from the friends of the Swiss constitution with the following topics: We do not need the Covid law anymore but a complete reprocessing of the "pandemic" years - Initiative for a referendum and rally in Schwyz in Switzerland on 29 August 2022 - Child protection initiative "No coercion against children and young people" - Interesting news from Australia (in German): https://mailchi.mp/verfassungsfreunde.ch/covid-gesetz-nein-aufarbeitung-ja?e=1f57ba6cb3

16 August 2022  X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

27 July 2022  Historic Decision on 6 July 2022 Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court & Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established (Italy): https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/historic-decision-by-italian-court

26 July 2022  Project Looking Glass - About the still ongoing battle between good and evil or light and dark and evidence why the light has already won: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KOUsxNiZe3cd

19 July 2022  X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

19 July 2022 German-language website of the Swiss association "Buerger fuer Buerger" (Citizens for Citizens): https://www.freie-meinung.ch

19 JuLY 2022 Louisiana Nurse: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself – The Madness  Has to Stop!”: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/louisiana-nurse-we-have-had-more-children-die-from-the-covid-vaccine-than-of-covid-itself-the-madness-has-to-stop

20 June 2022   Stop 5G - An EU citizens initiative which can be signed by EU citizens (website is available in all EU languages): https://signstop5g.eu/en

10 June 2022  Spain Admits To Spraying Deadly Pesticides As Part Of Secret UN Chemtrail Program: https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=6299445c4a81de002f45b5ba . See also https://novam-research.com/chemtrails.php

20 May 2022  Attorney Reiner Fuellmich - Crimes against humanity tour in United Stated from April to June 2022: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1CyYABqXakm4/

20 May 2022  X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

20 May 2022  Operation Underground Railroad - Rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation: https://ourrescue.org

20 May 2022  The Ocean Cleanup: https://theoceancleanup.com

20 May 2022  Drug-free inpatient psychiatric care in Norway:

22 April 2022  In 2012 and 2013 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and two other people founded and registered the so-called The One People's Public Trust (OPPT). In 2013 OPPT was registered and legally valid accepted at the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) which is headquartered in Washington D.C. and comprises the highest or superior set of regulations for 194 states. These significant actions have several considerable implications, even if most people do not know them and its context. One of them is that human beings are legally free and sovereign. The following interview of Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf by Mel Ve on 17 February 2013 is still relevant today and presents especially the associated metaphysical and spiritual perspective and context: Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk_1wALvv3g . Transcript from this interview: https://i-uv.com/transcript-of-mel-ve-and-heather-tucci-jarraf-on-freedom-central-february-17-2013 . Download the copied transcript as pdf with larger font size from this website: https://novam-research.com/resources/OPPT_Transcript-of-Mel-Ve-and-Heather-Tucci-Jarraf-on-Freedom-Central_17- Feb-2013.pdf . For further information about OPPT see https://novam-research.com/we-are-legally-free.php

15 April 2022  German-language talk from 2016 from a Swiss economist and former World Bank associate about the global economic system, the real powers behind the scenes, and economic fascism (in German) - also relevant today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtYGYnNZtP0&t=1641s

12 April 2022   Video interview "Real powers behind the scenes" from 2019 - also relevant today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pedvDQ7MuA4

12 April 2022  X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

20 March 2022  The Best Is Yet To Come - Events, milestones, timeline, and resources for a better world: https://www.bestisyet.net

20 March 2022  Video / Music / Chant "Send Out Peace - A New Earth" by Mei-lan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7YFvsBa9c&t=12s . Cited text message from below the video (from 20 March 2022): Soul family, let’s join once again to tap into Source energy and actively send out peace onto the earth. We have lived too long in fear, anger, greed, and destruction. It is time to restore balance and bring a new consciousness to the planet. One that is rooted in Unity and Love. ❤️ All my love, Mei-lan

17 March 2022  An open letter (in German) from 1 March 2022 from 35 Swiss citizens' movements concerning the so-called pandemic: https://fruehling2020.com/IMG/pdf/offener_brief_burgerbewegungen_ch_-_aufarbeitung_pandemie-entscheide_1.3.2022-2.pdf

17 March 2022  German-language video "Mir blutet das Herz" (My heart is bleeding) - Two women discuss and speak up about the effects of the so-called pandemic measures on children: https://salomea.vision/interviews/beate-bunzel-duerlich

27 February 2022  So-called Devolution - Part 17 - From Ukraine With Love: Click here or visit website https://www.devolution.link and select desired part

27 February 2022  So-called X22 Report, Ep. 2711 from 24 February 2022: "Planned Long Ago, [DS] Stronghold & Bio Weapons Destroyed, Trump Never Telegraphs His Moves": https://x22report.com/planned-long-ago-ds-stronghold-bio-weapons-destroyed-trump-never-telegraphs-his-moves-ep-2711 . Cited abstract: "The [CB] played their hand too soon, now the people realize the plan of the [CB].  They needed to quickly reverse their decision, but it is too late. The [CB] is trapped, they want to punish Putin but if they severe the SWIFT system their economy falls apart. The [DS] is trouble, Ukraine is/was their base of operation. The [DS] was planning another pandemic and developing viruses in Ukraine, Putin took action to shut it all down and to destroy the [DS] stronghold. He is now removing the neo nazis. Trump will never telegraph his moves, but it seems that this was planned long ago. The [DS] is becoming desperate and they are panicking, they are now preparing for a cyber pandemic to shut it all down. They are fighting for their lives and they know they are now cornered."

18 February 2022  The vaccine report - Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID -19 injections: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/en/vaccines/vaccinereport.pdf or download version 1.0 from September 2021 from this website: https://novam-research.com/resources/The-vaccine-death-report_v1dot0_Sept-2021.pdf

18 February 2022  Independent information and news in the websites Stop World Control and X22 Report: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com and https://x22report.com

15 February 2022  Corona-related events in Switzerland published in the website of the friends of the Swiss constitution: https://verfassungsfreunde.ch/de/aktionen

7 February 2022  Reiner Fuellmich | Grand Jury to Stop the Global Mass Murder & Other updates from 7 February 2022 published in drtrozzi.org: https://drtrozzi.org/2022/02/07/reiner-fuellmich-grand-jury-to-stop-the-global-mass-murder . Related publication via thetruereporter.com: WATCH: Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Presents Opening Statements At Grand Jury Investigation Into Crimes Against Humanity Disguised As COVID Pandemic: https://thetruereporter.com/watch-attorney-dr-reiner-fuellmich-presents-opening-statements-at-grand-jury-investigation-into-crimes-against-humanity-disguised-as-covid-pandemic

7 February 2022  Grand Jury, The Court of Public Opinion - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Opening Statements: https://rumble.com/vu5e9x-grand-jury-the-court-of-public-opinion-dr.-reiner-fuellmichs-opening-statem.html

7 February 2022  Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion: https://www.grand-jury.net

7 February 2022  Dr. Tenpenny & C Clark – The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/dr-tenpenny-c-clark-the-vaccination-agenda-is-darker-than-anyone-could-imagine

7 February 2022 Activating 5G towers could kill people who took COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-01-14-activating-5g-towers-kill-covid-vaccine-recipients.html

7 February 2022 X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

7 February 2022 Canadian Truckers Shut Down the Nation To Protest Mandates: https://rumble.com/vtqhgn-canadian-truckers-shut-down-the-nation-to-protest-mandates.html

29 January 2022 German-language websites from a Swiss initiative for new representatives of the people for Switzerland: https://aufrecht-schweiz.ch and https://aufrecht-bern.ch

25 January 2022 Mainstream scientists now embracing vaccine depopulation explanation for why the vaccines are killing so many people: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-01-12-mainstream-scientists-now-embracing-vaccine-depopulation-explanation.html

25 January 2022 Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: ”The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet”: https://rumble.com/vsaft1-reiner-fllmich-and-50-lawyers-the-vaccines-are-designed-to-kill-and-depopul.html

15 January 2022 Descriptive video "The Tipping Point" about the current situation and how to deal with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xQ_OTilgEM&t=602s

14 January 2022 Pfizer / FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide: https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/pfizer-fda-corruption-lethal-batches-and-autopsies-reveal-covid-19-jab-genocide

14 January 2022 So-called X22 Report from / about United States, Ep 2676 from 13 January 2022: "All Assets [F] [D] Deployed , Checkmate, When Do Birds Sing ?": https://x22report.com/all-assets-fd-deployed-checkmate-when-do-birds-sing-ep-2676 . Cited abstract: "Biden inflation is now hitting hard, the people are seeing this and the currency is devaluing very quickly. This is going to get worse this year. China is shutting down ports, which means the supply chain is going to be an issue, plus the Biden admin want to assist in the food supply issue, this will make it worse. Sometimes you must see it to believe it. The [DS] is continuing to lose. Their entire pandemic push, with the vaccine mandates is now falling apart. The Supreme court has ruled that the vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, this doesn’t mean that the [DS] will stop. They are now in the process of covering up what they did. Trump is allowing the [DS] to be completely exposed to the world and the people are seeing it all. The walls are closing in on Fauci, it’s only a matter of time. The [DS] has all assets deployed, they are preparing something, be ready, [FF] in the works, change of news cycle coming."

13 January 2022 Thousands of miscarriages following COVID-19 injections reported in VAERS are being censored as an entire generation is being sterilized: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/thousands-of-miscarriages-following-covid-19-injections-reported-in-vaers-are-being-censored-as-an-entire-generation-is-being-sterilized

13 January 2022 Dr. Zelenko - [DS] / Big Pharma Hid The Cures From We The People,Choice Has Been Made, Collapse: https://rumble.com/vs6l1g-dr.-zelenko-dsbig-pharma-hid-the-cures-from-we-the-peoplechoice-has-been-ma.html

13 January 2022 German-language report "WHO-Daten zeigen: Covid-Impfung ist gefährlich wie keine andere": https://report24.news/who-bestaetigt-offiziell-covid-impfung-ist-gefaehrlich-wie-keine-andere

13 January 2022 German-language report "Pathologen: COVID-19-Impfstoffe ursächlich für schwere bis tödliche Schädigungen": https://fassadenkratzer.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/pathologen-covid-19-impfstoffe-ursachlich-fur-schwere-bis-todliche-schadigungen

13 January 2022 16000 Physicians and scientists agree that kids should not get the COVID Vaccine: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/physicians-scientists-kids-should-not-get-covid-vaccine/?eId=adc73435-dec9-45d3-87d3-4d35fa93434f&e

13 January 2022 World Council for Health calls for an Immediate stop to the Covid-19 experimental “vaccines”: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/campaign/covid-19-vaccine-cease-and-desist

13 January 2022 The democracy illusion - Everything is WAS a corporation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98qv9ztkW_U&t=1s

31 December 2021 X22 Report, Ep. 2665 "Against Children = Common Denominator, Expect More, Clear Your Mind, Heal" from 30 December 2021: https://x22report.com/crimes-against-children-common-denominator-expect-more-clear-your-mind-heal-ep-2665 . X22 Report homepage: https://x22report.com

29 December 2021 A personal note from the CEO of Rumble: https://story.rumble.com/tag/cfvi

29 December 2021 It's official: Durham is investigating the Clinton Campaign: https://technofog.substack.com/p/its-official-durham-is-investigating

24 December 2021 Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/gates-fauci-and-daszak-charged-with-genocide-in-court-filing/article_76c6081c-61b8-11ec-ae59-7718e6d063ed.html

24 December 2021 People are waking up worldwide: Video, song, and music "Where we go One - We go All - The Worldwide Revolution": https://rumble.com/vr0ssx-wwg1wga-eyedropmedia-track-by-dj-chilli.html

19 December 2021 Latest message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: "Those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God": https://www.theyeoftheneedle.com/2021/12/03/viganothose-who-resist-the-nwo-will-have-the-help-and-protection-of-god

19 December 2021 Trump Media & Technology Group: https://www.tmtgcorp.com

19 December 2021 A short video (10 minutes) called "Global update" which addresses also the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the current situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84jKEKCVpOI&t=445s

19 December 2021 Italian-language website of the people or folk of Mother Earth (Popolo Della Madre Terra) (only in Italian): https://www.popolodellamadreterra.it

14 December 2021 Swiss website of the friends of the Swiss constitution (available in German, Italian, French, and English): https://verfassungsfreunde.ch

14 December 2021 About the alliance between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the American Left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=812IazNQa_Q

10 December 2021 The Pedo World Is Deep & Wide, Epstein/Maxwell Just The Tip Of The Iceberg: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/sean-stone-the-pedo-world-is-deep-wide-epstein-maxwell-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg

5 December 2021 Website of the Swiss association "Wir Menschen" (available in German, Italian, and French): https://wirmenschen.ch . A form can be downloaded for people who want to be co-plaintiff of lawsuits againt the so-called Corona measures and to demand fundamental rights.

27 November 2021 A video message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano from November 2021: https://rumble.com/vpelhb-breaking-exclusive-archbishop-vigano-appeals-for-a-worldwide-anti-globalist.html

27 November 2021 SOS Call from an Aborigine community in Australia: https://www.sovren.media/video/sos-call-from-an-aborigine-community-396.html

27 November 2021 About the so-called devolution in United States which is - if true - also globally significant: https://www.devolution.link

20 November 2021 Austrian police and army reportedly refusing to enforce "health dictatorship" and will march in protest against it: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/austrian-police-refuse-to-enforce-health-dictatorship-report

20 November 2021 Exposed: Klaus Schwab's school for Covid dictators and plan for "Great Reset": https://rairfoundation.com/exposed-klaus-schwabs-school-for-covid-dictators-plan-for-great-reset-videos

19 November 2021 Children's Health Defense Europe: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu

19 November 2021 German-language media conference of the Swiss medical and health network ALETHEIA on 12 November 2021 with national and international speakers such as Dr. Andreas Heisler, Robert Kennedy Jr. , and Catherine Austin Fiits (in German): https://aletheia-scimed.ch/ALETHEIA-Medienkonferenz-vom-Freitag-12-November-2021 and video channel https://odysee.com/@ALETHEIA:3

13 November 2021 Update current news by S. Parkes from 9 November 2021: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4jPFXylRfNeL/

13 November 2021 Medical publications, communications, and research results about Covid and the vaccines, compiled and commented by a scientist, lecturer, and father: https://twitter.com/DrJohnB2

13 November 2021 X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

11 November 2021 Powerful and peaceful speech and actions in Italy (short video in Italian with English subtitle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhBONiG4quU

28 October 2021 Update current news by S. Parkes from 20 October 2021: https://rumble.com/vo00yx-20th-october-2021-update-current-news.html

24 October 2021 Patel Patriot - The Stage Is Set, In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist: https://rumble.com/vns8qx-patel-patriot-the-stage-is-set-in-the-end-the-ds-will-cease-to-exist.html

24 October 2021 German-language website and video channel "Anwälte für Aufklärung" (lawyers for elucidation): https://www.afaev.de and https://anwaelte.veezee.tube/videos/trending

24 October 2021 German-language report about the German-language "Pressekonferenz: Tod durch Impfung / Undeklarierte Bestandteile der Covid-19-Impfstoffe" (Press conference: Death by vaccination / Undeclared components of Covid-19 vaccines) on 20 September 2021 in Germany - Suspicion of crime is reinforced (in German): https://odysee.com/@KlaTV:0/Corona-Pressekonferenz:0 and https://www.kla.tv/Corona-Pressekonferenz/20167

24 October 2021 Operation Underground Railroad - Rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation: https://ourrescue.org

24 October 2021 Swiss website in German, Italian, and French from an association of Swiss policewomen and policemen: https://wirfuereuch.ch/aboutus/uber-uns

14 October 2021 Open letters from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano about the current situation such as alleged pandemic, vaccines, the great reset, the new world order, and good and evil: https://www.qoa.life/service/letters-by-archbishop-vigano . Most recent letter from 28 August 2021: https://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-100-2021-tuesday-august-31-vigano

14 October 2021 Report / update / assessment about the current situation, especially in United States but also globally, published on 13 October 2021 in x22report.com: "The System Is Panicking, The Narrative No Longer Has You, Hold The Line, The Enemy Is Cracking": https://x22report.com/the-system-is-panicking-the-narrative-no-longer-has-you-hold-the-line-the-enemy-is-cracking

14 October 2021 The testemonies project - Testimonies after vaccination (movie): https://www.bitchute.com/video/LkwZWQEvfftc/ . Associated website: https://www.vaxtestimonies.org/en

4 October 2021 South Africa's highest court set to free the continent from the new world order and the central bank: https://www.trevorwinchell.com/AmericanPatriotsForum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5211&sid=29a6b5dddbb53dcf41e39fc320e2e958 and video https://www.bitchute.com/embed/6m4ttykWpWQY/

4 October 2021 The virus was never isolated:

  • No evidence for the isolation of the virus and court case No. 299 / 21 and related topics in the Republic of South Africa (RSA): https://www.showusthevirus.info

3 October 2021 Dr. Kevin Stillvagon obliterates the mindless mask and vaccine mandate narrative: https://www.bitchute.com/video/G80o7GhOZAFi/

3 October 2021 German-language website of the Swiss soceity Corona-Reset: https://corona-transition.org

3 October 2021 United States: Weekly Roundup with Patel Patriot - AZ Audit, Durham, Mark Milley, Trump & Vaccines: https://odysee.com/@JordanSather:b/PatelPatriot:7

3 October 2021 United States: Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Simone Gold, MD – Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors about legal actions being taken to protect US Military personnel from the effects of the jab: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fst62nbRsUi/

3 October 2021 United States: Project Veritas: https://www.projectveritas.com

2 October 2021 Status update from 9 September 2021 by lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich about the results of the investigations by the German foundation "Stiftung Corona Ausschuss* (Corona Investigative Committee): https://www.bitchute.com/video/9WenfQRZRF73/

23 September 2021 Former Vice-President WHO European Advisory Group: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous – Should be Quarantined”: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/former-vice-president-european-advisory-group-vaccinated-people-put-quarantine-isolated-society

23 September 2021 German-language video from the "Pressekonferenz: Tod durch Impfung / Undeklarierte Bestandteile der Covid-19-Impfstoffe" (Press conference: Death by vaccination / Undeclared components of Covid-19 vaccines) on 20 September 2021 in Germany: Video from the overall recording (more than 3 hours including a break)(language German): https://odysee.com/@Wahrheitssuche:42/Undeklarierte-Bestandteile-der-COVID19-Impfstoffe-PathologieKonferenz:2 . Part 1 from video time 0:00 to 1:18, break from 1:18 to 1:51, part 2 from 1:51 to 3:16. It is intended to translate the video in other languages. Associated German-language website: https://pathologie-konferenz.de

16 September 2021 Swiss website "Public Eye on Science" (in German): https://www.publiceyeonscience.ch

18 September 2021 Law professor refuses to mask up or get the jab: https://rumble.com/vlf3ua-law-professor-refuses-to-mask-up-or-get-the-jab.html

18 September 2021 Trump and the vaccines: Trump's good intentions and his role in a bigger and positive plan are reported, for example, in the following links: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/about , https://x22report.com , and https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/vacnwo/# . An open question is how that is consistent with the following report: Trump booed at a rally after again telling supporters to take risky covid vaccines: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-25-trump-booed-rally-telling-supporters-covid-vaccines.html or https://www.afinalwarning.com/547429.html

28 August 2021 German-language website of the Swiss medical and health network ALETHEIA: https://aletheia-scimed.ch . Opinion on vaccination campaigns in schools in Switzerland (in German): https://aletheia-scimed.ch/Impfaktion-an-Schulen-Werden-Sie-aktiv-wir-unterstutzen-Sie-dabei . Associated letter / information about the Covid vaccines, especially but not only for school administrations (in German) (pdf): https://aletheia-scimed.ch/IMG/pdf/information_f._schulleitungen_19.08.21.pdf 

26 August 2021 Reiner Fuellmich: We are starting to win in courts: https://rumble.com/vkp0qf-reimer-fullmich-update-we-are-starting-to-win-in-courts.html

9 August 2021 X22 Report - News from and about United States and worldwide: https://x22report.com

9 August 2021 Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media calls for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties: https://docs4opendebate.be/en/open-letter

9 August 2021 500 trillion USD lawsuit against the federal government and over 140 monopolists: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QFcfDjifRl6u

9 August 2021 Editor-in-chief of the German newspaper "Bild" apologizes for spreading COVID-19 propaganda: https://uncoverdc.com/2021/08/04/bild-editor-in-chief-apologizes-for-spreading-covid-19-propaganda

1 August 2021 EU commission grants vaccination for kids. In English: https://www.kla.tv/19319 . In German: https://www.kla.tv/18927

1 August 2021 Thousands die after Covid vaccinations in nursing homes in Germany. In English: https://www.kla.tv/18608 . In German: https://www.kla.tv/18516 . Fact check (in German): https://www.kla.tv/18984?autoplay=true

31 July 2021 Trump Had To Step Aside So The American People Could Be “The Storm”: https://x22report.com/trump-had-to-step-aside-so-the-american-people-could-be-the-storm

30 July 2021 Dr. McCullough - The Never Needed To Be Lockdowns, The Covid Myth: https://rumble.com/vkj7yg-dr.-mccullough-the-never-needed-to-be-lockdowns-the-covid-myth.html

30 July 2021 Getting To The Truth - Portugal Shows Us the Way: https://bolenreport.com/getting-to-the-truth-portugal-shows-us-the-way

27 July 2021 The pandemic is a manufactured illusion and crime - Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich: Video published on 13 July 2021: https://rumble.com/vjs7pt-a-manufactured-illusion.-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich-9-7-21.html . Same video with more text information below the video and published on 21 July 2021: https://rumble.com/vk4znu-2021-jul-09-fauci-pharma-rico-usa-manufactured-illusion.-dr-david-martin-wi.html

27 July 2021 Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/proof

27 July 2021 How Trumps vaccines prevent the Great Reset and save humanity: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/vacnwo/#

27 July 2021 Humanity's leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law and journalism are speaking out and risk everything to inform about what is truly happening in the world today: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com

27 July 2021 COVID Vaccines – Genetically targeted Magnetic Control of the Nervous System ? https://www.universallifetools.com/2021/05/covid-vaccines-genetically-targeted-magnetic-control-of-the-nervous-system

18 July 2021 Proof That Puts an End to the Sars-Cov-2 Narrative | Professor Sucharit Bhakdi: https://rumble.com/vjow2d-proof-that-puts-an-end-to-the-sars-cov-2-narrative-professor-sucharit-bhakd.html

4 July 2021 German-language audio interview with lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from 3 July 2021, published in clubderklarenworte.de (in German): https://clubderklarenworte.de/dr-reiner-fuellmich-der-drostenjaeger-im-ausfuehrlichen-interview 

4 July 2021 Various German-language news and information are posted in the Swiss website uncutnews.ch: https://uncutnews.ch

2 July 2021 Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Stefano Scoglio about the Corona crisis and fundamental questions and issues - video in English language, subtitle and other text in Italian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2D-CApMXqY

2 July 2021 Inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, about Anthony Fauci, the PCR test, and Covid: https://nationalfile.com/inventor-of-pcr-test-said-fauci-doesnt-know-anything-and-is-willing-to-lie-on-television and https://roundtablereport.com/?p=6582

2 July 2021 German-language website about Corona action for damages: https://www.corona-schadensersatzklage.de

2 July 2021 Interview between Dr. David Martin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Rocco Galati, and Judy Mickovits PhD about the so-called mRNA vaccine which is actually not a vaccine but a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that has been inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sHDEaDQ2wn3p

2 July 2021 Report in "The Telegraph": Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists - Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/14/scientists-admit-totalitarian-use-fear-control-behaviour-covid

28 June 2021 A remarkable result from a several months long request: Center of Disease Control (CDC) admits no "gold standard" for the isolation for any virus, i.e. no one has ever isolated, purified, and / or scientifically verified and proven the existence of any and all viruses at any time, at any place, anywhere in the world: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/cdc-now-admits-no-gold-standard-for-the-isolation-for-any-virus

28 June 2021 Examples of so-called X22 Reports from / about United States on topics such as US electrion fraud, pandemic fraud, mask wearing, PCR test, situation on the border with Mexico, Trump, Biden, patriots, and deep state: Ep 2505b from 16 June 2021: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2505b-patriots-have-the-ds-panicking-ready-for-the-offensive-hold-the-line . Ep 2513b from 28 June 2021: Ep 2513b from 28 June 2021: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2513b-irregular-warfare-optics-are-very-important-b2-bomber-no-longer-stealth-wheres-durham . For further reports and updates see https://x22report.com

1 June 2021 World renowed doctor blows lid off of Covid and vaccine: Full interview: https://rumble.com/vhp7y5-full-interview-world-renowned-doctor-blows-lid-off-of-covid-vaccine.html . Short video (17 minutes): https://rumble.com/vhp8e1-massive-world-renowned-doctor-blows-lid-off-of-covid-vaccine.html

1 June 2021 1000 lawyers and 10000 doctors have filed a lawsuit for violations of the Nuremberg code:

1 June 2021 Judgement of a court in Weimar in Germany: No longer masks, distance, and tests for pupils (in German): https://2020news.de/sensationsurteil-aus-weimar-keine-masken-kein-abstand-keine-tests-mehr-fuer-schueler or as pdf https://www.corona-schadensersatzklage.de/wp-content/uploads/content/download/Amtsgericht-Weimar-Beschluss-anonym-2021-04-08.pdf

1 June 2021 International Criminal Court accepts complaint of violation of Nuremberg Code by Israeli government: https://greatreject.org/nuremberg-israel-pfizer-genocide

24 May 2021 Covid lawsuit filed at the Superior Court of Justice in Canada in January 2021 (Court File No. CV-21-00085478-00CP, 124 pages): http://stateofthenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Covid-Lawsuit-Filed-in-Canada.pdf or download a copy of it from this website: https://novam-research.com/resources/Covid-Lawsuit-Filed-in-Canada_January-2021.pdf

20 May 2021 Hague tribunal: 11 countries of the world sign the complaint against their respective governments: https://www.worldlifeo.com/news/tribunale-dell-aja-11-paesi-del-mondo-firmano-la-denuncia-contro-i-rispettivi-governi

16 May 2021 A German-language interview with Prof. Dr. em. Sucharit Bhakdi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKKaeVvAtmk

12 May 2021 A lawyer group has evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity: https://rumble.com/vgdl3f-dr-reiner-fuellmich-international-lawyer-has-all-the-evidence-that-pandemic.html

12 May 2021 Website Stop World Control: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com

6 May 2021 Website coronanews123.wordpress.com: https://coronanews123.wordpress.com

6 May 2021 German-language website of the foundation "Stiftung Corona Ausschuss": https://corona-ausschuss.de

6 May 2021 The roots of the evil - a meeting and conversation with Vera Sharav (Die Wurzeln des Übels - Im Gespräch mit Vera Sharav), mainly in English and partly in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r02j7HaKYe8 . Source: Session 44 of a German foundation called Corona committee (Sitzung 44 der Stiftung Corona Ausschuss)

6 May 2021 A German-language interview with Prof. Dr. em. Sucharit Bhakdi about the Corona vaccinations: https://uncutnews.ch/sucharit-bhakdi-die-corona-impfung-die-hoelle-auf-erden . German-language website about the contributions from Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: https://sucharitbhakdi.de . German-language article about Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi's statements about the Corona vaccinations: https://de.rt.com/inland/114439-sucharit-baghdi-legt-mit-neuem

3 April 2021  Power And Influence Of Bill Gates On The WHO - Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and other experts speak up, report and discuss, mainly in English and partly in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SYunXTSPNo . Source: Session 41 of a German foundation called Corona (Sitzung 41 der Stiftung Corona Ausschuss):   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUMvCOtOHJI&t=0s

28 March 2021  Swiss petition to stop mass testing and masks in Swiss schools (in German): https://schuetzt-die-kinder.ch

27 March 2021  Item 7.3.2 of Resolution 2361 (2021) of the Council of Europe:         Ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated,          due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.                                   Resolution 2361 can also be downloaded from this website: https://novam-research.com/resources/Council-of-Europe_Resolution-2361_2021.pdf

27 March 2021  Various news and information from Switzerland, Germany, and USA (posted in legitim.ch on 20 March 2021) (in German): https://www.legitim.ch/post/paukenschlag-z%C3%BCrcher-statthalter-beerdigt-die-maskenpflicht

27 March 2021  Judgement by a German district court declares Corona decree as unconstitutional (in German): https://tkp.at/2021/03/10/urteil-von-deutschem-amtsgericht-bezeichnet-corona-verordnung-als-verfassungswidrig

11 March 2021  Planet Lockdown - An interview with Catherine Austin Fitts: https://vimeo.com/497277858

9 March 2021  A Swiss doctor speaks up (in German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swGUY7n-4_Q

9 March 2021  German-language information and compilation in the website Borderlands of Science (borderlands.de): About Corona vaccinations (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Corona-Impfung.pdf . About Corona in general (in German): http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Corona-Links.pdf

20 February 2021  America’s frontline doctors unveil new "Vaccine Bill of Rights": https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/vaccine-bill-of-rights . Download it as pdf from this website: The Vaccine Bill of Rights

19 February 2021  German-language contribution "Corona, Lockdown, Vernunft und Politik: Was genau lehrt uns die Wissenschaft ?" to the debate in the newspaper "Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)" from 27 January 2021 - in German, the "Kommentare" (comments) are freely accessible: https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/corona-lockdown-vernunft-und-politik-was-genau-lehrt-uns-die-wissenschaft-ld.1598398?mktcid=smsh&mktcval=E-mail

21 January 2021  German-language website about the German-language documentary "Unerhört" from Reto Brennwald: https://www.unerhoert-der-film.ch . Direct linl to the film: https://vimeo.com/471959768

29 December 2020  Website of the "Querdenken" movement in Germany (in German): https://querdenken-711.de

29 December 2020  Newsletter "The Wrong Pandemic" from December 2020 by Arthur Firstenberg from the International Appeal to stop 5G on earth and in space: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Wrong-Pandemic.pdf

29 December 2020 Examples of independent media or news channels concerning Corona and / or related or other topics:

27 December 2020 Swiss website impfentscheid.ch with various information and referendums (in German, Italian, and French): https://impfentscheid.ch

12 November 2020 A German-language website of some independent and dedicated citizens of the city Lucerne in Switzerland (in German): https://lozärnstohtuf.ch

3 October 2020 German-language book "Corona Fehlalarm ?" (Corona false alarm ?) by  Prof. Dr. Karin Reiss and Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (2020, publisher Goldegg Verlag) (in German): https://www.goldegg-verlag.com/titel/corona-fehlalarm

23 September 2020 Petition for an independent investigation of the Corona crisis in Switzerland (in German, French, and Italian): https://fruehling2020.com

23 September 2020 German-language interview from the independent media relations and journalism clubderklarenworte.de: Tremendous lawsuit against Prof. Christian Drosten and entourage & About the PCR test (in German): https://clubderklarenworte.de/sammelklage

29 August 2020  A Swiss attorney about the legal situation concerning the mandatory mask-wearing in Switzerland (in German): https://impfentscheid.ch/wp-content/uploads/gesetzeslage-zur-maskenpflicht.pdf

29 August 2020  Swiss website "Netzwerk Impfentscheid" (in German): https://impfentscheid.info

15 August 2020  Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi about vaccinations and immunity (in German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0cIaQwAw2A 

15 August 2020  Non-parliamentary Corona investigation committee in Germany (ACU) (in German, via the International button some parts also in English): https://acu2020.org

13 August 2020  Independent German-language website and information: https://corona-transition.org

13 August 2020  Corona and the crisis of the media - Independent German-language audio message from a newswoman in Germany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTSDTb20omU&feature=youtu.be

13 August 2020  Information about medical masks from the American Medical Soceity: https://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.2331

17 July 2020  Independent analysis and clarification for Germany (in German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=Juugv0T7inc&feature=emb_logo

14 June 2020  Independent German-language reflections, assessment, and information about vaccinations (April 2020) (original link) (in German): https://heikewerding.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/impffrei-flyer-april-2020.pdf or (downloaded via the original link on 14 June 2020): https://novam-research.com/resources/impffrei-flyer-april-2020.pdf

28 May 2020  Independent clarification about the corona virus from doctors in Germany (in German): https://www.ärzte-für-aufklärung.de

19 April 2020  In his newsletter from April 2020 Arthur Firstenberg from the International Appeal to stop 5G on earth and in space presents some considerations about the Corona virus: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Choosing-Life.pdf

29 April 2020  German-language interview (video) "The missing part" with the Indian-American scientist Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (translated from English into German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0DMuH44h1Y&feature=youtu.be

3 April 2020  German-language article with two videos with / from Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: https://www.presse.online/2020/03/22/prof-dr-bhakdi-corona-quarantaene-der-selbstmord-einer-gesellschaft . Open letter and five questions from Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi to the German Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel (video, in German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsExPrHCHbw&feature=emb_rel_end . An English subtitle is available for all three videos. Open letter and five questions in textual form (in German): https://www.presse.online/2020/03/29/prof-sucharit-bhakdi-fragen-an-die-kanzlerin-in-sachen-covid-19

3 April 2020  Independent information from Swiss Policy Research: In German: https://swprs.org/covid-19-hinweis-ii . In English: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19